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English Minecarts v1.0 >

92 comments30 kb, 883 Downloads

old Minecarts v1.0

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

Hello guys!
I haven't uploaded the weekly script in sunday, because I was ill and had problems in real life.
But now, the script is ready, and this might be more useful than my previous upload.

Minecarts! This script was made for BaDgEr.
What it basically does? Adds minecarts, duh.
You can use it for your maps.

You can sit in by pressing 'e' near it.
To make it move, you have to push it, and it will go in the direction you rotated at. There is also booster rails avaible.

Information >

I made a map for testing, so if you're too lazy, then just load this map with my script. It's called 'cart_test'

Oh yeah, and I will remove every comment, which got personal content in it. You hate me? Don't need to hate this file ONLY because you dislike me..

I hope you like it more than my previous upload.
edited 6×, last 02.11.14 03:11:18 pm
Approved by Seekay

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better than your second weekly project.
I like it!


Deleted User

@user RatedX:
You have to be kidding me...

I mean, that lines will be drawn if you're holding grenade. Lines will tell you how grenade will be thrown.


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Does the tram move when it's pushed or an explosion impacts it?


Deleted User

Fine! I will make grenade impact indicator next time.
Maybe this will be more 'useful' for you.


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Yates is right (as he always been) I think Factis already knows that is filled with kids that spams the forums with shitloads of likes in usless files. Also I agree with Insanity, I think you are a little mad because we don't appreciate your work. In my case I can't like your file but I appreciate your work.


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Well, so... 1 judge with sense by Yates, then 2-3 flamers, one mad mod and then multi-account user. Great.

Factis, Yates just said his opinion (and I agree with him, sorry) and I don't see any track of some "hating files because of it's creator" in his previous posts.
Btw, this is worst file by you, sorry. Grenade shotgun was fun, but this is really unsuseful.


Reviewer Off Offline

@Pwnisher, what I meant was that I could call it pointless shit.

@Factis, go check out The Admin Script 3.0, see how many likes that has and realise that it is also pointless shit. Likes do not dictate anything, likes are here for people that want to show that they like it by ticking in a little box so the creator feels so fucking great about him or herself that they tend to forget that not everyone is the same.


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Oh what do you know the BR actually didn't like the file. He just commented that he did.
DirtyJoe is obviously a multi-accounter, 'cause no one signs up, flames and sticks up for one of the most hated mod on


Deleted User

I can see only one BR, and this is SheeL, but he disliked the file, and I can't really see multi-accounters here.


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@user Infinite Rain: Notice how only Minecraft fan-boys like the file?
Plus a multi-accounter and a BR.


Deleted User

Pointless files usually doesn't get more than 15 likes.


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Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways."


User Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: Nice, answer.

Anyway, this script is totally giving an effort good job.
I like it!


Deleted User

@user DirtyJoe:
What the fuck man?

What is 'useful' in your opinion?
This is a game, therefore everything in it is pointless.

I have to admit that second weekly script was useless.
But first and third one can be useful.

In this minecraft map, this script was useful.
So please, stop calling it useless, while it useful.


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I am glad to help you ! Enjoy sucking factis dildo ok? Then suck mafia's one because he wants this too.
I like it!

Admin/mod comment



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It would seem that someone has had their jimmies rustled.


User Off Offline

He eat bullshit everyday he goes at public toilet and eat shit. He comes back home and eat shit. He eat shit with his motherfuker friend ratedx then he blows up all that shit here on the unrealsoftware forums. I joined for one day and see a fuking retarded scum with his friend = doubleshits go back to your public toilet and eat some more shit maybe you will come with more inspiration.
I like it!
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