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English Stranded II Enhanced >

9 comments119.38 mb, 1,484 Downloads

old Stranded II Enhanced

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• > Stranded II Enhanced + MPBoost < •

If you cannot open .7z archive files, download 7zip here. Otherwise, just download directly from unrealsoftware (I updated the file archive file recently, and it only takes .zip files)

New Features and Improvements >

Changelog >

Credits >

S2E+ Old Version Superseded 1-19-2023 >

edited 157×, last 27.10.23 05:39:09 am
Approved by GeoB99

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119.38 mb, 1,484 Downloads


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I havn't checked these mods because I don't really have time, but I'll get them downloaded ASAP.
(once I get a flashdrive...)

EDIT: Just reviewing, you should add more pictures of your mods then delete the current ones.
I like it!


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It is, but I don't know how. For now the only way I can do that is by getting different platforms. Also all of my platforms have a lot of cool, different stuff, some more than others. p.s. if you want all the extensions on the platform with an easy setup just download an everything on it platform. No modding required. p.p.s. I think the water transparancy is in the game info but i can't say 4 sure

p.s. I am having trouble with the Titanium platform. I can't get the predators to attack. As soon as you get near they just freeze up [the game].
EDIT:I fixed the predator problem on titanium a long time ago, but now I have a similar but unrelated problem on Stranded II Enhanced Multiplayer (both + and lite versions) where the predators will only attack at very close ranges. It doesn't break the game entirely, but it's inconvenient and I haven't been able to fix it yet.
edited 3×, last 20.06.22 10:04:47 pm


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i cant remember if i ever tried it, but is it possible to make the water semi transparent?

im looking forward to seeing what you do with this!
id love to see flora on par with titanium mod, and textures/models to boot
I like it!


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Per Dope!!!
I like it!


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Not really. Its basically stranded II that beginners can custom design using the extensions. I am adding tons of stuff already. Also i'm adding new platforms and stuff like s2.5 and s2.5 desert island.
edited 6×, last 29.03.18 07:54:24 pm


Assassin moder
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For me thats just another collection of stuff from other mods which make no sense ;/


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Ther're coming. I'm not quite finished with this yet. It's a Work in Progress. Stranded II Enhanced is just stranded with better graphics and organised files. There are extensions you can download with it, too. Well, one extension for now.
YuriNikolai: I changed the menu to a more lime-colored menu. I don't think it'll fix anything I was just bored.
edited 2×, last 21.02.18 06:56:53 pm


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What is this, exactly? Could we get some screenshots of the additional stuff, and not the vanilla menu? Thanks
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