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English Infinite Rain's Custom NPCs Edit >

4 comments30 kb, 55 Downloads

old Infinite Rain's Custom NPCs Edit

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Credit goes to [user Infinite Rain] for creating [file cs2d Custom NPCs v1.0 ]; all I did was edit it.


The changes are as follows:
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The installation process is identical to Custom NPCs'.
edited 7×, last 07.03.25 12:16:29 pm
Approved by Gaios

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I didn't notice that melee NPCs could go through obstacles, so thanks for pointing it out, user Mora. I've updated the mod to fix that bug.

I recognize the flaws of the NPC roaming feature, but I'm not nearly knowledgeable enough to iron them out. NPCs can be set to not roam by changing "wander = 1" to "wander = 0" in their description in the list file.


User On Online

This is good edit, especially if this one is working properly:
user LEGOMAN_2 has written
NEW FEATURE: NPCs can be set to roam the map when not in combat.

In this case I can use it for my needs. Will give a like when I ensure the feature above is working

The knife bot is going through obstacles.
Bots movement kinda broken or badly made, they stuck in walls and their model half is covering walls, this also visible on screenshot. Absolute random movement that has not specific pattern or pathes.
Can't say is usable as it is. Is required to fix/complete some mechanics which is not always good for the beginner user.

Idk if 271-th line is related on movement so "wall" must be changed to "walkable" there:
if tile(math.floor(x1/32), math.floor(y1/32), 'wall') then

if tile(math.floor(x1/32), math.floor(y1/32), 'walkable') then

But weapon(ranged) npcs doesn't move through obstacles
edited 4×, last 07.03.25 04:30:29 am


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I like it!


Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

Amazing work!
I like it!
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