
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Teamkill punish v1.0
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English Teamkill punish v1.0 >

22 comments774 b, 656 Downloads

old Teamkill punish v1.0

Infinite Rain
Reviewer On Online

This script made punish for player who made teamate kill.
When player has killed by teamate he have a menu with punishes he can choose Kill him, Freeze him ...etc

Kill him
Freeze him
Custom kill
Hit on 99 hp
Forgive him

Menu when kill
5 punishes
You can add punishes

Just extract downloaded file to your Cs2D
folder then go to sys/lua/server.lua and type this:

edited 5×, last 21.03.13 01:06:24 pm
Approved by CY

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774 b, 656 Downloads


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This is the first teamkill punishment script created for CS2D! (or atleast uploaded!), therefore it's very nice to see such a thing added. It should encourage people to turn on friendly-fire in their servers.

with this, you don't need the "Kick after #TK's" command turned on at all, the killed player decides what happens (and since he seen if its accidental or not, it should mostly be good/fair choices he makes).

I really like it alot! can't wait for other Punishes to be added, just like in CS 1.6 (which has things such as bury, explode, turn into a rocket/timebomb, glow pink, not being able to shoot, etc).
I like it!
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