Got some of the tiles for my map from Spent quite some time on it but that's because every-time I got started on it something always ended up dragging me away from finishing.
Use the map. Edit it. Use tileset. Edit tileset. Say map is yours/you made it.
Please give me some feed back! I don't think i did too well on placing the boxes around the map.
8ball, you should give me credit if you took the grass, the grass with the flower on it, and the water tile. I mean you even credited cgtextures for random stuff. All you did was add a bit of brightness to my tiles... and allowed people to use your tileset (which I didn't allow for you to use). >.>
Thank you. @maPmaKer Got the tiles from the site, then made them smaller (since they are quite huge). Some of the tiles I made on my own, not all of them though :L.
Lalo100 Dont make spam,and you must speak english
i'm also from Argentina,this is not a forum/no hagas spam y habla en ingles,yo tambien soy de Argentina,esto no es un foro...