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English Controllable Turrets v1.1 >

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old Controllable Turrets v1.1

Infinite Rain
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Hello guys!
Some days ago I decided to make a controllable turrets
Just sit in and shoot!

> Changelog
∗ Now script is less buggy
∗ Fixed console glitch
∗ Turrets rotates normal for laggers

> Features
∗ You can set Images of an movement and unmovement parts of an turret
∗ You can set ID that will be equipped when you are in the turret
∗ You can set Damage of an turret
∗ You can set Name of an turret

> Thanks to
∗ My brother user seven - Made so beutiful sprites
∗ user Apache uwu - He fixed my customkill system

> How to set up turret
Spoiler >

Also I got an test map
If you didnt understand how to set up turret load this map and see the right way
> turret_test

> Install
∗ Extract it in CS2D folder
∗ Go to sys/lua and open server.lua
∗ Write this:

> License
∗ Do with this script whut ever u fucken want! But give credits to me

edited 5×, last 21.08.11 11:05:08 am
Approved by EngiN33R

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Now it's... Human against zombie time!!!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Great script, but found one bug ( very annoying btw)
when u get killed in turret u drop gun... like when i get killed in flame thrower tower i drop flame thrower which is really not cool! hope u update it soon.
I like it!


User Off Offline

√ Nice idea!
√ Nice script!
I like it!


User Off Offline

user Infinite Rain has written
I hope it is nice script for mappers.

Well no, most turrets are like mounted M249's, in most maps. This script should move your player image to the back of the turret, so it would be "mounted". That'd make the rotation joint to the middle / standard of the gun..

But of course you could also use mechas in realistic maps..


Btw I'm gonna use this script together with some other scripts in my newer "CSP_Missions" series.

Could you make it that the turret's ammo is "unlimited" (read: will refresh every reload)
I like it!


Deleted User

Thanks everyone!
I hope it is nice script for mappers.


User Off Offline

It deserves more likes for sure. I think I've seen this on a server some time ago. Good job.
I like it!


User Off Offline

I resized the ones on the picture from the original one, but when I used the original the background was gone but...


So can you make it higher like this? (Save it, there's a white gap below the browning)


I want you to do it because I use paint and it will be ruined if I did it.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Like download Photofiltre and click on the gray-white blocked sheet with a person on it, then choose black and make that color transparent
I like it!


User Off Offline

Like what?
I like it!


User Off Offline

That's why you should use a transparent background --
I like it!


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@user Alistaire: No actually I made the background black because I tried white - it doesn't hide the background, I tried pink - same.
I like it!


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You shouldn't actually copy those images. They'll get a black background. Sending you the original one.
I like it!


Deleted User

Use transperent background.

IDK Ill try to fix it


Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline

Some bug that it removes the C4 bomb when your a terrorist.
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: By the way, if you're changing the image what is the recommended color for the background? Because I changed my turret image and the background wasn't removed.

I like it!
edited 1×, last 02.01.12 05:44:28 am

old very nice

User Off Offline

this looks awesome! i didnt download and i will. BUT i see it looks cool! and i like it!
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

I think we need more hooks to use turrets, thx for it
I like it!


Deleted User

OMG Kiffer you are ultimate file commenter O.o
Yeah dc should add something like
setammo <player> <weaponid> <ammo>
That would be nice


User Off Offline

Great idea. Did anyone release a map with the manual turret yet? I can't wait to play one real map with this nice thing.

But there are two awful things that I recognized on the test map:

awful thing #1: You can reload in no time when you quickly leave and enter the turret again. You get a full reloaded turret which can be used instantly, skipping the reload time completely.
awful thing #2: If you were equipped the same as the turret equips you, you have full ammo for this weapon if you leave the turret again.

Awful thing #1 can be probably fixed by adding a extra waiting time which equals the reload time of the turret item if the script recognizes the player starts reloading the turret. It is only used if the player uses the "exit-enter" trick. If the waiting time is over, the player enters normally the turret and can shoot immediately, but if NOT, the player does simply not enter the turret and a message appears "Please wait while the turret cools down" or something like that. It wouldn't be still the perfect solution because the player can shoot until 1 ammo is left, THEN leaving the turret and immeadelty entering it again, to prevent the reload at all.
Another idea may be to do the "Lua infinite ammo" trick; this means, the ammo is continously reset to full ammo by re-equipping the turret item, to simulate infinate ammo / no reload. But INSTEAD, a cooldown is added; one shot adds to the heat, not shooting reduces it a little. The player can recognize the heat by the turret color; more red means more heat, less red (more "orignal" color) means less heat. If the heat reaches a critical point, the player is kicked out of the turret and the turret can't be entered for a long period for cooldown.
Maybe the cooldown could be activated/deactivated in the entity name, and the cooldown speed, too and the waiting time, too, like all the other stuff. So that it gives the mapper the freedom to decide wheather he wants an almighty non-stop shooting 1-shot killing super turret or a heavy turret that overheats fast for balancing reasons. What do you think of this idea?

Awful thing #2 seems to be impossible to fix in Lua, because CS2D scripting interface makes it impossible to tamper around with the ammo values for now. Sorry.

But it is great idea and fun, and besides the two awful things I can't find any critism here, so I give you 4 out of 5. Hopefully there appears a real map with this soon.
I like it!
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