This is a medium size map, perfekt for several players, and provides some good hiding spots (well, not hiding spots as in "no one can see me now" but more like "yo baseballbat aint gonna hit me to da sea in here"). The map was made entirely in inkscape (vector graphics FTW!) and it took me about 5h to draw it - yes, I was bored. But then I thought I could use my spare time to create something maybe someone could use
At first look i thought it was ported from Worms, or Wormix (russian clon of worms for [V]Kontakte(russian clon of facebook. lol))
But then i read name nickname and description. Pretty awesome map!
"after a long time of with no cc uploads"
I will upload some weapons at 11.11.11 like i did with 10.10.10, hope people will like it :DD