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English is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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old Poll is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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i believe.

last week i just saw an awesome show called Ghost Aventures, it's probably the best ghost hunting show i've ever saw, so i decided to make up a Ghost Hunter team, 4 members, all are my friend.

this monday we reached my old grandma(she was died in 2002) house, and it has nothing in the house. i take 2 cams, 1 EVP recorder(too expensive?), some food and drinks.

in 9PM we walked around the house, like: gardens, rooms, bathroom. and more..
in the bathroom, we didnt saw anything but we capture an EVP saying "hey.."
in my grandmother room we didnt saw anything once again but we capture a pic with a mist (maybe i can find it, soon)
in the garden we saw a light, looks like a orb. and its moving every 2 seconds, and after 1 minutes it disappeared.
its morning, 12AM we went back(cuz one of my friends were to scared and he said that something is touching him!), then i open the camera and i see some of my picture were deleted, i was like wtf i didnt delete it! 8l

so, is my grandmother teaching me a lesson?

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

User Off Offline

Ghosts exist.
I believe you.
I totally agree with paranormal.
Why? Because my family had REAL encounters with paranormal stuff. My parents lived in a haunted house before I was born. Really, I'm not lying. I don't play/lie with serious stuff.

I' really curious!

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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The way I see it, you can ponder about the existence of spirits, you can even swear blind that you saw a full body apparition but that could be stress, lack of sleep and many other hallucinogenic factors. The only time you're gonna find out if ghosts really exist is when you die. So stop trying to fast forward. You're gonna get the answer anyways, do whatever you want until you do.

Do I believe in ghost? I hope they're real, in the same way I hope the afterlife is real. If it is, all's good. If not, I ain't gonna be there to care.

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

amstel bier9
User Off Offline

well if saw panoromal things too...

yesterday there was a gaint T-REX standing for my door...

last week there was the cookcock clan for my door...
in there white closeth... i said... are you a ghost?
he said yes.. then they come in and drink coffee with me...

last year my choco bar was alive!

and when i was 9 i saw a flyiung ufo on the beach ( it was red and a dog was after it...and no it wasn't a frisby i'm sure of that..xD)

what i mean to say with this...
there are no such a thing like magic or ghosts...

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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amstel bier9 has written
well if saw panoromal things too...

yesterday there was a gaint T-REX standing for my door...

last week there was the cookcock clan for my door...
in there white closeth... i said... are you a ghost?
he said yes.. then they come in and drink coffee with me...

last year my choco bar was alive!

and when i was 9 i saw a flyiung ufo on the beach ( it was red and a dog was after it...and no it wasn't a frisby i'm sure of that..xD)

what i mean to say with this...
there are no such a thing like magic or ghosts...

[sarcasm]haha so funny[/sarcasm]
----------------------on topic-----------------------
i do belive, when i had 6 years i got an encounter in my house, i was talknig to him , but i guess i was to little to remmember it, my grandma was there, she asked me to who was i talking? then i told her i was talking to this floating guy, but she didnt saw anything..
i told her how was the guy and she went searching for possible stuff, then she saw a pic of the old owner of my house, and the worst thing is, the same guy in the pic, (as my grandma says) is exactly the guy i told her... so yes, i do belive, i have lots of more histories about paranormal and stuff, if you like..

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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xeNium has written
Tell me more, |Hunter. I'm interested.

sure thing, like 6 or 7 months ago, one of my dad's friend had a fight whit her wife, he took his car and drived away from her, he was WAY to far from her, he stopped in somewhere (my dad didnt told me, he just said there was nothing around there but a public tlephone pretty dmged), then the phone rang (the public dmged1) the guy took it, and guess what, IT WAS HIS FREAKING WIFE, then he asked her how'd she knew he was right there, then she said, right where? my mom's house?, and the worst thing, looks like the # of the public phone and the mom's phone had just 1 # of diference, after he calmed down, he went back to his house, he almost killed himself in the way back, he almost crashed.

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

Spicy Night Owl
User On Online

I pwn all of you when it comes to paranormal. I lived in a house when I was 0-7. The ghosts of my grandparents and uncle's spirits lived there. My grandma would wash dishes, my uncle would tickle me as a baby, and my cousin saw my grandpa and RAN THROUGH HIM I have seen a hairy creature walking through the brush. (i lived on a ranch) I got my pellet gun and shot at it but somehow i missed every time.

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?


Well... I experience poltergeist activity in my house. It's quite weird. Someone taps the keyboard of a old computer I got here. But no one is tapping the keys when I am looking. Shameful!

I have this "blair witch"-style symbol hung on a framed picture in attempt to scare away these spirits or what not. Somehow I don't think it's helping. Well... I actually love poltergeist activity so I'm fine with it.

I'm sure I'm not hallucinating. As it happens very random behind my back. I never managed to see when the poltergeist hits a key on the keyboard but I will try. If I do manage this, I'll take a video of it. I know sometimes cameras shut-off automaticly that are caused by magnetic-field in the areas where the paranormal activity is going on, I've been watching lots of "ghost" documentaries so I've learned some... lol.

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

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its like
i ask my grandmother: hi grandma i still want to play with yor chair!!
then we recorded: hello...

and then in the bathroom we hear something fell off downstairs

*the picture is deleted and i see nothing in my backup so i draw it *



EVP is uploading... wait

old Re: is this a ghost of my grandmother?

Spicy Night Owl
User On Online

Oh i forget i was at my great grandparent's house and we took a pic of my great grandpa and their was a figure behind him. My cuz whipped out an EMF and got a rating of almost 100 I asked the question "Are you threatened by the cameras?" and the rating went to 70. I freaked and asked similar questions and the EMF kept spiking.
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