function minsute(id)
if level[id] >= 7 then[id][id]+5
error = attemp to compare number with nil
pls help me
addhook("minute","minsute") function minsute() 	for id = 1, 32 then 		if level[id] >= 7 then[id][id]+5 			ms.moneyshow(id) 		end 	end end
function Array(size,value) local array = {} for i = 1, size do array[i]=value end return array end t_man = Array(32,false) adminnokill = Array(32,false) adminList = {0} function isAdmin(id) for _, usgn in ipairs(adminList) do if player(id,'usgn')==usgn then return true end end return false end addhook([[join]],[[thejoin]]) function thejoin(id) if isAdmin(id) then msg("©000000255Admin "..player(id,"name").." enters the server!") end end addhook([[team]],[[theteam]]) function theteam(id,t) if isAdmin(id) then if t==2 then adminnokill[id]=true t_man[id]=true elseif t==1 then t_man[id]=true end else if t==1 then parse("maket " return 1 end end end addhook([[hit]],[[thehit]]) funtion thehit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) if adminnokill[id]==true then return 1 end end addhook([[serveration]],[[servation]]) funtion servation(id,ati) if t_man[id]==true then if ati == 3 then local rot = player(id,[[rot]]) if rot < -90 then rot = rot + 360 end local angle = math.rad(math.abs( rot + 90 )) - math.pi local x = player(id,[[x]]) + math.cos(angle) * 25 local y = player(id,[[y]]) + math.sin(angle) * 25 if x > 0 and y > 0 and x < map([[xsize]]) * 32 and y < map([[ysize]]) * 32 then parse([[setpos ]][[ ]]..x..[[ ]]..y) end end end
parse("msg Hello and Welcome at my Server")
msg ("Hello and Welcome at my Server")
-- Add this: license = initArray(32) -- & this inside of your Teleport function. if license[id] == 1 then 	-- TELEPORT-FUNCTION HERE else 	msg2(id,"©255000000You got no license!") end
... then 	license[id] = 1 end
pl_have_pos = Array(32,false) tele_x = Array(32,0) tele_y = Array(32,0) if men == [[Teleport Menu]] then 		if sel == 1 then 			if pl_have_pos[id]==true then 			rp_msg2(id,[[000255000]],[[Position stored succesfully!]]) 			rp_msg2(id,[[000255000]],[[X: ]]..player(id,[[x]])..[[ Y: ]]..player(id,[[y]])) 			tele_x[id] = player(id,[[x]]) 			tele_y[id] = player(id,[[y]]) 			pl_have_pos[id]=true end 	end end
pl_have_pos = Array(32,false) pl_desable_pos = Array(32,false) tele_x = Array(32,0) tele_y = Array(32,0) if men == [[Teleport Menu]] then 		if sel == 1 then 			if pl_have_pos[id]==true then 			tele_x[id] = player(id,[[32]]) 			tele_y[id] = player(id,[[32]]) 			pl_have_pos[id]=false 			rp_msg2(id,[[000255000]],[[Position not Stored]]) 			return 1 		end 			rp_msg2(id,[[000255000]],[[Position stored succesfully!]]) 			rp_msg2(id,[[000255000]],[[X: ]]..player(id,[[x]])..[[ Y: ]]..player(id,[[y]])) 			tele_x[id] = player(id,[[x]]) 			tele_y[id] = player(id,[[y]]) 			pl_have_pos[id]=true end 	end end
function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i]=value 	end 	return array end t_man = Array(32,false) adminnokill = Array(32,false) adminList = {16138} function isAdmin(id) for _, usgn in ipairs(adminList) do if player(id,'usgn')==usgn then return true end end return false end addhook([[join]],[[thejoin]]) function thejoin(id) if isAdmin(id) then msg("©000000255Admin "..player(id,"name").." enters the server!") end end addhook([[team]],[[theteam]]) function theteam(id,t) if isAdmin(id) then if t==1 then adminnokill[id]=true t_man[id]=true elseif t==2 then t_man[id]=true 	 adminnokill[id]=fasle 		 end else if t==1 then parse("makect " return 1 end end end addhook([[hit]],[[thehit]]) function thehit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) if adminnokill[id]==true then return 1 end end addhook([[serveraction]],[[servaction]]) function servaction(id,acti) if t_man[id]==true then if acti == 3 then local rot = player(id,[[rot]]) if rot < -90 then rot = rot + 360 end local angle = math.rad(math.abs( rot + 90 )) - math.pi local x = player(id,[[x]]) + math.cos(angle) * 25 local y = player(id,[[y]]) + math.sin(angle) * 25 if x > 0 and y > 0 and x < map([[xsize]]) * 32 and y < map([[ysize]]) * 32 then parse([[setpos ]][[ ]]..x..[[ ]]..y) end end end end