I followed my friend into a server with a prison that has an explosion room to kill the prisoners, and the button that triggers the explosion has no delay, so you can kick the most laggy players by that, even if they are not in your screen (can't see the explosion), here is a screen:
(i kicked 3 players by ping and lagged the others to 300~850 ping flooding the explosion [they were with 80~100 ping before]).
Im not a internet genius, but i am sure that the pings are high due to those explosions, because there was no lag before it. And when i stop the explosions, the pings go really high and then stops the lag...
(White Shark was on the server, he can confirm that).
I don't recommend, but test it by yourself on servers with that map. (prison_funst3r_v10.7 by Tajifun).
edited 3×, last 15.05.11 12:18:14 am