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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user script favor has written
@user peq42: Seriously,DC is working hard on a pc version and you are asking for mobile ? why you do this dude.

Because he's using unity, so technically it wouldn't be hard. Probably would just require a few adjusts here and there

By the way, thanks for the answers.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user peq42: The mobile version wouldn't work very well with touch screen controls. Also Stranded 3 would need to be very well optimized for the mobile version which I don't think would happen.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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It's fine, I understand that(I develop...well... I think you can call it games... too), and know that mobile GPUs are likely to be really weak(the best Snapdragon-compatible, Adreno 540,for example has 1/4 the performance of my old R7 260X).

I was just wondering if it was a possibility, since DC said that the game would be as heavy as Stranded 2(Which is old, so likely to work on weak PCs and maybe mobile).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user peq42: Stranded 3 is way heavier than Stranded2. Physics, destructible terrain and higher detail models as well as use of Unity which is heavier than orginal Stranded2 game engine.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Didn't he say a while ago that he want to make sure that it would be very much scalable so that everybody can play it , even if they don't own the newest hardware.
I guess it could be ported to Android but not for Android Phone but a standalone Android Console with a Controller.
Finally it depends on the outcome of the project , it don't think it would make sense , because most players would play it on Pc anyway
But if porting would be no effort at all , he could possibly do it

Just my point of view over the whole situation!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I mean ofc DC has his sights on making S3 compatible with older PCs, but Stranded 3 is more than 10 years old; if people havent upgraded to something by then, that's their problem.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Stranded III is designed with modding in mind which is totally not mobile compatible. Also I dislike touch controls for such games. I don't think it works well. Right now there are no plans for a mobile version.

If there will ever be a mobile version it will be a simplified and completely separate version which is not compatible with the PC version.

Regarding performance: I hope I never said that people who were able to run Stranded II will also be able to run Stranded III. Because I can't guarantee that. I will however try to add many performance related settings so you can hopefully make the game look worse in order to get some more FPS

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Glad to see a new update DC
really a shame to throw out the menu system you painstakingly made, i rather liked it; just screamed s2 but better.

Anyways personally i think you should focus on the core systems and gameplay before making/improving your current models.

I mean you have the chicken, fish, shark, & tiger;
Frankly other than agressive and passive birds, you have all the templates you need to work on the AI, combat, survival shit, & ect.But I digress, all the best DC, looking forward to the next post!

old new

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Thanks for sharing the informative information through the article. and all the details are awesome and good in this post.
Refer: happy wheels free to play color switch !!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Mami Tomoe: For a game that is still under development is unlikely to have a precise estimation of system requirements to run it. At the very least it should run quite fine on modest machines I suppose.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Yep, requirements are hard to estimate. My plan is to have settings for performance adjustments but of course there are limits to everything. If you don't have enough RAM for instance you will be screwed.

It will definitely NOT have a third person mode. Stranded was and always will be first person. It's important for the immersion. Also I don't like third person and I think it won't work well in a dense jungle ("go out of my sight stupid bush/palm frond/tree/random plant!").
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