
I can give lz4 a try!
I think I caught you. I believe you first wrote zstd, and I in fact meant zstd for compression. It's the new fancy hipster algorithm by a guy at facebook, but it's actually good and targets high decompression speeds. The few repos I found for c# target 1.3xx zstd that's a bit outdated already. It's being constantly improved and optimized.
Also I fixed my late night mistake: 4 bits can only hold [-4, 3] don't think you saw that. It's a bit (haha) low, but you will see what works best.
Last but not least, don't forget about the trick Minecraft did to improve compression ratios: when they adopted the Anvil saving format, they began serializing chunks as y,z,x instead of x,z,y. So apparently the algo worked better with their data when saved in that order.
Really loving the look, the editor is everything i would have expected and more, it is looking spectacular for sure!
(in titanium, the 'snap to grid' function is called 'tiles')
Also, if you do add it, you could add options in-game
x=(off/on) //include x in grid?
y=(off/on) //include y in grid?
z=(off/on) //include z in grid?
X grid value = (1-1000) //customizes the size of x grid value
Y grid value = (1-1000) //customizes the size of y grid value
Z grid value = (1-1000) //customizes the size of z grid value
Y terrain snap = (off/on) //If the y grid size should be relative to the terrain (ex terrain height + grid value) or flat (only grid value)

Like the low quality image above, but with a z value
Like titanium, you would be able to scroll to raise/lower the object that is being placed by the specified grid value.
Also another in-game option would be necessary:
grid=(on/off) //should the grid be on or off

UX: The highlight is barely visible. Just make the letters of a bright/red color for better visibility.
You said you were planning to add notes, for quests. Here's an idea: Let the player themselves take notes in his big notebook/questbook. And instead of writing the encyclopedia yourself, add lines to it like in a school noteboko - so the player adds notes himself.
To keep it useful: it should be shared between missions and multiplayer and only require the player to craft this notebook to access his notes. Campaigns may force an empty notebook for difficulty or story telling.

It's not a huge problem though. The filter marks the letters you entered so you basically know anyway what it says. Even if you can't read the highlighted part perfectly well.

For buildings which consist of multiple parts there will definitely be a snapping system (in-game and in editor). Otherwise it would be too complicated to place them properly.
Just so you know

Also, a way of mining ore. Make large rocks and cliff faces, and make the rocks last long so they don't all get destroyed leaving the island without any rocks (has happened to me before on Stranded II). If the island somehow still runs out of rocks, make it possible to construct a mineshaft (the mineshaft building would not require rocks to build for obvious reasons

Make it possible to find ore in the rocks above or below the surface that can be melted down to pure substances (metals, etc) and also make a small possibility of finding substances if a regular rock is melted down. Also have ore give a random amount of pure material to make the game interesting (like 1-5, 5 being extremely rare, four being rare, three being regular, and two or one being bad luck)
Also, make iron wires (adding copper to the game isn't necessary). They would connect different electric machines for when the player is very far in the world and doesn't have anything else left to build. Electric machines should be the hardest things in the game to build, and wires should be able to go through walls and doors that have cracks and spaces that the wire could travel through

Maps will be bigger and more populated in stuff so ores wont be a problem I guess


Regarding ore

There's also a blog post about a possible underground system which could also allow dynamic digging in a very basic way. I'm not sure if this will make it into the game but I would love to add it.
Same for wires and electrics. Would be really cool in my opinion and I would like to work on a system for that but not sure if I will do so.
In general

The style of his water is something I was looking for in S3: Water

I remember stumbling upon the original Stranded about 15 years ago after playing Schiffbruch to death and wanting to find another survival game.
Something made me think of Stranded this morning, but I couldn't remember its title for the life of me, so I decided to do some Googling. Imagine my surprise when not only was I able to find your site, but discovered you're still actively developing games!
I was 14 when I first played Stranded, and rediscovering it today has brought back memories I thought I had forgotten. What a treat!
Do you have a Patreon or anything that can be used to help you with future development? I'm also a professional web developer (10+ years), and would happily help if you need anything done to the site.