Without any Introductions... I was on some arabic telegram groups which belongs to some ISIS supporters, and we had a little talk about atheism, and they told me that most of theories that atheist people depend on are complete lie and bullshit.
When they said this I thought we are going to talk about evolution theory and stuff... But I was shocked when I saw them saying that cells and atoms doesn't exist, and the globe earth, space, gravity, and much more theories are all big lies to pave the way for atheism! They also said that most scientists who work on or study such fields are Jews. *They says that Freemasonry and Atheism are all religions of Jewish origin.
At the end they gave me some religious evidence (from Islam) and some rational evidence for these claims.
*We have talked on a lot different topics, but this is what we talked about in the "scientific" aspect.
However, as crazy as this seems to be, but those people are dead serious and they have different explain for maybe 90% of scientific facts today.

Ik this has nothing to do with cs2d or unrealsoftware games stuff, but the website is inactive recently and this is Off-Topic section, so... Lets see what everyone's thought about this

edited 1×, last 20.08.22 04:20:21 am