No new screenshots or videos unfortunately (I may upload some later). Hands are now 100% working, animating. Rocket launcher placement needs a bit of adjustment, which can actually be done in the hands .inf file via offset. Additionally, in options there is now the choice to enable/disable hands. Hands currently don't work without a weapon or tool, though that will very likely be changed in the future. When creating a game in multiplayer, the game no longer crashes constantly, thanks to a quick patch, and additionally when you eat/drink stuff in multiplayer, it gives the one eating/drinking the effects and not the host. When eating, the player only eats one of a specific item instead of two, which was a bug. The Debug Menu is not disabled automatically in multiplayer, but can be using "lock_debugmenu" command. Additionally, pressing 1,2,3,4, or 5 in editor will not close the current window anymore, which was an annoying issue beforehand. Enjoy the update.
All this stuff was just added, and took a decent amount of time for me, which is scarce nowadays with work and actual responsibilities (takes a bit to get used to). Also, I completely restructured the main page, labeled some versions as discontinued (because I have moved on), and gave new information on the direction development will continue. If something was directly created by me, it is new, and never seen before.
I assume you saw the last page, skipped over the 'new features and improvements' dropdown or simply didn't notice the text was different, and assumed it was just another meaningless edit which I have been notorious for doing in the past. Soo... Honest mistake, really. The download is now a .7z instead of a .zip, as well.
In the end, this has the implication that I exceeded your expectations as far as my online behavior goes. That's a good sign, I guess.
Also, I can't help but start thinking: Ahhh.. just like old times.. getting bent on the forums because of bumping/marking as new/making random assertions/etc.
Almost enough to make me feel nostalgic, but then again, not really.. my online past is probably best in the past. I mean, there's a reason you can delete browser history..