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alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user khaled1968: Because he also believes they do grotesque things like sodomize children, apparently. Also ritual human sacrifice, and satanic rituals. Basically, the very definition of moral panic. (see and

Classic moral panic - conspiracy theory combo. I'm sure it is quite pervasive. People seem to believe scary things even if they're also ridiculous, because our fear response, as humans, tends to be quite active. Making a story scary, for some reason, makes it more believable. I don't know why we were wired like this, it seems like a cruel prank nature played on us, to make us extremely susceptible to lies when they sound scary.

It's probably why ghost stories are so common, and why so many people believe them. That would explain quite a bit.

Also probably why superstitions (7 years of bad luck, etc.) are so prevalent, and why they generally tend to be about things that give you bad luck, rather than things that give you good luck.

Truth is, it's just another person scared of something that doesn't exist. Just like those that claim AI will wipe out civilization, when in reality the most likely ones to do that are people themselves, primarily due to mismanagement and inability to properly set priorities on a large scale.

Fear keeps people busy obsessing on the scary possibilities rather than finding ways the broken system we live in can be fixed. It can be used by powerful people to make people prevent change even when change is the only viable option for long term survival.

Fear is the ultimate motivator, but also the most dangerous and destructive type of propaganda that can be used by those in power. It destabilizes countries and pits people against each other. It elicits powerful emotions that can, in the brain, block the truth in favor of emotions. That is how conspiracy theories use fear to hijack the brain.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user StirlizZ-Fapicon hat geschrieben
@user khaled1968: if the jews occouped the world, may be join them since you can`t win them?

Here lies the problem: the majority of people in Europe are atheists, lacking a genuine cause to fight for. Even if, for the sake of argument, I convinced you that the Jews actually controlling the world, it begs the question: what difference would this really make?

The answer is: nothing!

As I have previously mentioned in my other writings, Jews have played a significant role in promoting atheism. If my aim was to destroy a nation, spreading atheism and disbelief would be an effective method, and this is what the Jews have understood well.

What assures me that you would actively oppose and combat them? Nothing. That's why I prefer to abstain from engaging in discussions with people of your mindset. Muslims, on the other hand, are the ones who give me the most results in my discussions with them because we share the same thoughts and the same language, and because they believe in God.

I can convince a Muslim, and tomorrow he will go and take up arms and fight them, and he may blow himself up in their midst if necessary. Or I can waste my time with you, and you may or may not get convinced. And in the best case, even if you are convinced, you will end the discussion and return to your usual routine.

Therefore, I always advise European people to leave the idea of a globe earth, as it leads to disbelief in God and turns believers into weak and fearful individuals, unwilling to confront the world's evils.

I also advise rejecting the theory of atoms and the theory of cells, as they are hoaxes and atheistic concepts, lacking any genuine connection to experimental science. They are merely philosophical masonic ideas being sold to you.

By rejecting the bullshit that you believe in under the guise of science, you will create fertile ground to actually believe in God.

It's time to start thinking seriously about this issue because it's a matter of heaven or hell. Your ignorance cannot serve as an excuse when you face your God.

Once you believe in God, everything becomes simple. You can establish a social and economic system according to the correct laws that God has legislated for us, without any cheating or deceit.

No one can deceive you anymore, neither the Jews nor anyone else. False and atheistic theories will never be able to infiltrate people's minds, as is unfortunately the case today.

You will live happily, die happily, and, most importantly, you will be brave, willing to sacrifice and die for what is right. Never again shall I hear this nonsense from you about aligning with the stronger just because of their strength, without considering whether they are on the right or wrong path.
2× editiert, zuletzt 10.05.23 11:32:04

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Super User Off Offline

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Here lies the problem: the majority of people in Europe are atheists, lacking a genuine cause to fight for. Even if, for the sake of argument, I convinced you that the Jews actually controlling the world, it begs the question: what difference would this really make?

The answer is: nothing!

As I have previously mentioned in my other writings, Jews have played a significant role in promoting atheism. If my aim was to destroy a nation, spreading atheism and disbelief would be an effective method, and this is what the Jews have understood well.

If my goal was to destroy a nation, spreading atheism would be dead last on priorities. If I had nukes, that would use those.

Even if I just had the ability to influence people, I still wouldn't spread atheism.

I would spread conspiracy theories.

It's much more effective that way.

You should see some of the political and physical destruction those can cause. Those 5G network towers got DESTROYED. In the U.S. a conspiracy theorist tried to kill the third most powerful politician in our country (ended up getting her husband instead, who had to he hospitalized, but it was too close for comfort). They are a powerful political destabilizing tool.

Anyway, jews were too busy in the past trying not to get put in concentration camps to have time for spreading atheism or world domination.

I do know of someone in Europe who did have time to attempt world domination though. He was also an anti-semite as well. He went by the name of Adolf Hitler. I reckon you two have met on occasion.

You think it's Jews that want world domination?

Blaming Jews and other ethnic minorities is one of the ways many attempt to try to achieve world domination themselves. It's called fascism, and it can rise up during hard times to reveal its ugly head.

The truth is right in front of your face, but you have built up an immunity to it so that you can now view lies as truth, and vice versa. How are you supposed to know the difference? People aren't born with built-in fact checkers. They have to confirm what they read with real-world facts, or they can never truly know.

In plain, simple English:




And you have been the entire time. Putting more effort into trying to find supposed "truth" doesn't make you right, it just means you're terrible at managing your time. Truth and coincidence are not the same. Truth is truth. Coincidence is coincidence. Similarities are similarities, but also not truth.

I know those around you might agree with you, but they're also wrong. Just because they can make you feel socially validated in your views doesn't have anything to do with whether they are right, or whether you are right.

You're overthinking the problem.

The problem is that you're stupid, and the people around you are as well, unfortunately.

When you get a bunch of stupid people in a group, they all exert a negative influence on each other. If they all agree with each other, they just affirm each other's stupidity.

This is what is known as an "ideological bubble". Basically, people strengthen their opinions over time when they're in a group of like-minded people.

The opposite thing happens when you have a bunch of smart people in a group, unless those smart people happen to be me and my tech co-workers because then we end up having nerf wars in the office.

But I digress.

The truth is, I have a religion, as do many out here in the United States, and yet we don't blame Jews for our problems. We blame the government, as well as the weaknesses of ourselves and others, because those are the things that cause our problems, or the things that lack the will to fix them. Why would we have beef with Jews when corporations are the ones that screw us over?

While you say the Jew is the problem,

I say you is the problem.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
I can convince a Muslim, and tomorrow he will go and take up arms and fight them, and he may blow himself up in their midst if necessary. Or I can waste my time with you, and you may or may not get convinced. And in the best case, even if you are convinced, you will end the discussion and return to your usual routine.

What can I say? We're smart enough to know that it would be stupid af to go around blowing ourselves up because alawakbar. Why would anyone do that?

I just wonder who in their right mind would do that. If they do it's not because they're brave or courageous. It's because they're stupid. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and that crosses that border far into unknown territory.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Therefore, I always advise European people to leave the idea of a globe earth, as it is a major factor that leads them to disbelief in God and makes them stupid cowards, afraid of engaging in any war.

I also advise rejecting the theory of atoms and the theory of cells, as they are hoaxes and atheistic concepts, lacking any genuine connection to experimental science.

They were discovered with experimental science, first off. If you have not taken any time to learn about them, you are not in the position to critique them. Also, how does "globe earth" theory lead to disbelief in God? It's not like you have to be a geocentrist or flat-earther to believe. Also, how does it make people cowards, or afraid of engaging in war?

And I should note: the aversion to "war for the sake of war" is not cowardice, it is the difference between people with functioning brains and those that are smooth-brained baboons.

Only barbarians support such notions of war.

Also, did you know that there is no science that proves God doesn't exist? In other words, science, Christianity, and Islam are not at odds. Science can, technically, neither prove nor deny God's existence.

So science is, in other words, not anti-Islam. In fact, much of science was historically done by Islamic scholars (more than they are often credited for). See this Wikipedia article:

So technically, by being against science you are actually being anti-Islam, shunning the achievements of your own religion.

And your ignorance cannot serve as an excuse when you face God.

Also, did you read those Wikipedia articles on moral panic and satanic panic? They are quite interesting, and I'm sure you would learn a bit from them.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user ModJuicer
Banned ip? that's stupid if you have a VPN, banned profile is stupid if a live person can be banned by a bot that opens more profiles in a second than the characters I wrote.
Wikipedia has long been bought by those who sponsor it, and this is well-known information.
That's why many states and corporations are blocking it.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user ModJuicer hat geschrieben
If my goal was to destroy a nation, spreading atheism would be dead last on priorities. If I had nukes, that would use those.

Spreading atheism is, in fact, the best way to destroy a nation. I hope you will consider my words before responding. Just relax and ask yourself, 'How could atheism destroy society?' and you will find the answer.

However, to make it short and straightforward, weaker faith in God leads to weakness on the battlefield, and leads to a stupid nation that anyone could control with any stupid theory as long as they say it's part of "Science".

Humanity has in the course of time had to endure from the hands of science two great outrages upon its naive self-love. The first was when it realized that our earth was not the center of the universe, but only a tiny speck in a world-system of a magnitude hardly conceivable. The second was when biological research robbed man of his peculiar privilege of having been specially created.

Sigmund Freud, a Jewish psychoanalyst.

It's worth noting that the theories of the globe earth, atoms, and cells were either put forth by Freemasons and Jews or they helped in developing and spreading them.

*Btw... as a Muslim, I am willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of supporting religion, even if it takes me to blow myself up. But what motivates an atheist to do the same? It is impossible for an atheist to do such a thing. We have never seen any real sacrifices from atheists or non-believers in general. They are nothing but dumb cowards who think they are smartasses.

As for nuclear weapons, they are a hoax, doesn't even exist... Here are some good things to watch regarding this matter.

Jews & Nuclear Weapons:

Atoms & Nuclear Hoax:

Nuclear Weapons Hoax:

Note that me giving you some videos or infographics doesn't mean that everything inside these links is true; that is not necessary. However, I could say that most of the things are right.

user ModJuicer hat geschrieben
You think it's Jews that want world domination?

If I respond to this topic, we will enter into a long discussion, and I prefer not to do that, so won't answer this. It's time for you to do your own research. And I want to remind you that I'm not saying Jews control the whole world 100%, but they are among the most powerful people in it.

user ModJuicer hat geschrieben
You're overthinking the problem.

The problem is that you're stupid, and the people around you are as well, unfortunately.

I strongly advise you to learn Arabic, so that I can communicate with you better, and so that you can read the Qur'an and Islamic books.

*The Arabic language, without dispute, possesses the most extensive vocabulary and terminology. It is like magic. Once you master it, you can express everything you want and imagine without any difficulty. That's why you find Muslims saying that reading Qur'an must be in Arabic, except in some rare cases (like if the reader is poor and unable to learn Arabic, for example), also it makes you much smarter than an ordinary English speaker.

Try to read about the science of language and its effect on the mind. That's why you may find some atheists, such as Nietzsche (who is a Freemason, btw), suggesting in some of their books the necessity of reducing language's vocabulary. They argue that only a specific group in society should be able to use and access complex languages, and claim that it is impossible to eliminate the idea of God without eliminating language first.

Therefore, the first step if you want to understand the reality of this world is to accept Islam and acquire knowledge of Arabic. Give it a shot and witness the difference. However, I strongly advise you to learn it from ISIS libraries and books, rather than solely relying on the surface internet websites.

user ModJuicer hat geschrieben
What can I say? We're smart enough to know that it would be stupid af to go around blowing ourselves up because alawakbar. Why would anyone do that?

I just wonder who in their right mind would do that. If they do it's not because they're brave or courageous. It's because they're stupid. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and that crosses that border far into unknown territory.

Blowing yourself up? This act is foolish, particularly for atheists who do not believe in God. However, the fact remains that God exists, and this matter is not open for debate or doubt, unless, of course, you happen to be one of the foolish people who have been deceived by atheistic theories.

user ModJuicer hat geschrieben
Also, did you read those Wikipedia articles on moral panic and satanic panic? They are quite interesting, and I'm sure you would learn a bit from them.

I am not free to do so; I am currently reading Islamic books. And let me inform you that Islamic books delve into profound depths. I mean, don't assume that they merely cover faith in God and good manners; there are much deeper aspects.

Finally... I sincerely hope that you will change your outlook on life and abandon these atheistic myths and illusions. If you don't, I won't hesitate to kill you if I ever get to see you in real life, because you are one of Satan's soldiers, whether you realize it or not. Being ignorant or not understanding the evidence doesn't excuse you in matters like these.

Just try, just for once in your life, to look at the matter from a different angle without becoming fanatical about your opinions. We all believed in the globe earth and other theories at some point in our lives. But people change, and as they read and listen to the other side, they begin to realize the truth more and more.
1× editiert, zuletzt 10.05.23 20:05:48

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

User Off Offline

@user khaled1968 Holy shit you are so deep into conspiracy theory shit that you are completely gone. Sorry to see that you'll never be able to get out again. I feel really really bad for you.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Super User Off Offline

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Just try, just for once in your life, to look at the matter from a different angle, without becoming fanatical about your opinions.

I have never seen hypocrisy to such an extent before.

You are telling me to look at a different angle, as I have been approaching this from different angles the entire time. I have been willing to change my mind about things, like the idea that your religion is inherently bad, and so on. I have been willing to check all the sources you provided, which just shows the extent of my patience.

I have even been willing to listen to your constant blathering, but for you to have the audacity to assert that I am not approaching matters from different angles and perspectives? What a joke.

Maybe you should read over your posts again, and my responses to them. It may do you some good to read over our previous conversations, and pay attention to the details.

You see, I have spoken with logic and wisdom.

What do you have to offer? Allegations? Assertions? Self-Confirming Dogma? Obscure coincidences?


My younger brother, who is about seven years old, can form more coherent logic than you. He can debate subjects with me and form logical reasons for his arguments. Those are basic functions of intelligence, which you seem to lack entirely.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Spreading atheism is, in fact, the best way to destroy a nation. I hope you will consider my words before responding. Just relax and ask yourself, 'How could atheism destroy society?' and you will find the answer.

However, to make it short and straightforward, weaker faith in God leads to weakness on the battlefield, and leads to a stupid nation that anyone could control with any stupid theory as long as they say it's part of "Science".

You assert this, and yet when I relaxed and asked myself the question 'How could atheism destroy society?' the only answer I could come up with was "by making a better, more just society that outcompetes it due to the removal of ideological distortions and oppressive barriers to progress".

If anything, Atheism made so religion had to adapt into more fair and just structures to maintain its relevance and popularity. It improved society, as a whole. If you don't remember, the holy wars in the middle ages were some of the worst times in history. Atheism forced religions to adhere to their own teachings of peace and nonviolence, during a time when hypocrisy and abuse of power was rampant within major religions.

And how, exactly, would atheism make people weaker on the battlefield? It seems to me that, in the military, Atheists and Christians alike fight with the same strength and effectiveness. There is no significant difference between the two except for their views on the world.

Sigmund Freud hat geschrieben
Humanity has in the course of time had to endure from the hands of science two great outrages upon its naive self-love. The first was when it realized that our earth was not the center of the universe, but only a tiny speck in a world-system of a magnitude hardly conceivable. The second was when biological research robbed man of his peculiar privilege of having been specially created.

You present this as if it is evidence of malice or evil. I find it evidence of wisdom. It sound like something I myself would say, when pondering the nature of life, power, and the order of things. There is no sinister meaning to it. It is just a person speculating about life.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Note that me giving you some videos or infographics doesn't mean that everything inside these links is true; that is not necessary. However, I could say that most of the things are right.

Both videos were false, made by people using clickbait techniques to get views. They were so obviously clickbait, I don't know how you didn't realize it.

That video platform, Odysee, seems to run off of algorithms meant to increase user engagement without regard to accuracy or validity. If the algorithm determines that you are more likely to be engaged by conspiracy theories, it will serve you conspiracy theories. Just another example of how Capitalism will exploit the willful ignorance of people unable to separate fact from fiction. It serves you content you like, without regard of accuracy or relevance. If you prefer to blame Jews, it will serve up videos that blame Jews.

It's standard consumer exploitation. First chapter in the corporate playbook. It used to happen more on YouTube as well, until everyone got angry at them for doing it, making so they had to prioritize accuracy. They also included Wikipedia links to help fix the problem.

Also, the infographics were made to be intentionally misleading by whoever created them, upon inspection.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
I strongly advise you to learn Arabic, so that I can communicate with you better, and so that you can read the Qur'an and Islamic books.

*The Arabic language, without dispute, possesses the most extensive vocabulary and terminology. It is like magic. Once you master it, you can express everything you want and imagine without any difficulty. That's why you find Muslims saying that reading Qur'an must be in Arabic, except in some rare cases (like if the reader is poor and unable to learn Arabic, for example), also it makes you much smarter than an ordinary English speaker.

It is true that multilingualism does make one more intelligent. I have never been very interested in Arabic specifically though, because around where I live Spanish or Finnish would be more useful. More people speak those languages.

Also, the Qur'an is too much reading for me. I have enough trouble reading through the bible as it is, and I have a personal, premium, leather-backed copy of it on hand that I got as a birthday gift, which gives me every excuse to read it. It just has too much to read, and I can only take it in small amounts. There ain't no way I would be able to go through a behemoth like the Qur'an, especially in a different language. It is just not very feasible.

But why do you recommend "ISIS libraries and books"? Isn't the Islamic State a terrorist group? What business would they have telling the truth? It appears to me that terrorist groups only disseminate propaganda, not truth.

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Finally... I sincerely hope that you'll change your outlook on life and abandon these atheistic myths and illusions. If you don't, I won't hesitate to kill you when If I ever saw you in real life, because I consider you to be one of Satan's soldiers, whether you comprehend it or not. Being ignorant or failing to understand the evidence is not a justification.

I agree with that last statement. Being ignorant or failing to understand the evidence is not a justification to promote violence. It is not a justification to promote the hatred of Jews. It is not a justification to kill. It is not a justification to go to war.

Also, myths and illusions describe what you put forth, for grand claims without evidence to back them up constitute as no more than myths and illusions.

One should try to at least abide by the Sagan standard when discussing such things: i.e. extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Also, here are some tools that reduce unnecessary debate:

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
Blowing yourself up. This act is stupid for atheists only, as they don't believe in God. And this topic is not a subject for discussion or doubt, unless, of course, you are one of the fools who have been deceived by atheistic theories.

I am not an Atheist, and yet I believe that blowing myself up would kill me.

Is there a problem with me not wanting to kill myself?

Also, I have my doubts about whether you would be so willing to do so yourself at the drop of a hat. It is common sense that blowing yourself up just to blow up an enemy or two is a lose-lose situation. It causes death on both sides, and just makes both sides hate each other even more. What is the point?

Peace is not just a just, fair, and kind solution. It is also a rational, logical, and practical solution as well.

War, on the other hand, kills people on both sides, leads to more political oppression on both sides by authorities in order to keep people from protesting the fact that their friends are being killed in war, and causes more fear and resentment on both sides.

Which one, then, seems to be the better option?

user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
I am not free to do so; I am currently reading Islamic books. And let me inform you that Islamic books delve into profound depths. I mean, don't assume that they merely cover faith in God and good manners; there are much deeper aspects.

I know. But it would be nice if you could take a break after a while and read through them. They cover important historical context, along with common human tendencies, that are important to be aware of. We all should be aware of the influence past historical events have on current opinions and ideas.

Anyway, I generally feel the same as user ohaz, except that I have more confidence in your ability to overcome your more unhelpful tendencies. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you will stop believing Islam, which is fine because Islam is not the problem. I think you will eventually overcome your weakness for conspiracy theories, however much time it takes.

Also, I should hasten to point out that conspiracy theories themselves only serve a distraction from the real conspiracies which are happening in broad daylight. The argument that "some conspiracy theories are bound to be true" is a bad argument to base things off of.

Even if one of them is true, you will never know which one, and nobody trusts conspiracy theories anyway so the whole point of revealing the truth is lost with them. Nobody with a rational mind will listen to them, because the vast, vast majority of them are, indeed, false.

Instead, focus on learning about geopolitics, economics, international trade, diplomacy, and other important subjects that have actual bearing in the real world. That is how you learn how to get rid of corruption and evil. Not by engaging in conspiracy theories.

Here are a few articles to get you started:

Enjoy your journey.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user khaled1968 hat geschrieben
"It is impossible for an atheist to do such a thing. We have never seen any real sacrifices from atheists or non-believers in general. They are nothing but dumb cowards who think they are smartasses."
At present, atheists have saved more people from death than they have killed. Maybe believers should build monuments and temples to pray over them and leave messages asking for help?

Just because you are a Muslim doesn't mean you will sacrifice anything for your religion by dying for God.
In Chechnya, Syria, and Libya a lot of people blew themselves up just because of their own stupidity.
Basically this is a typical situation for any religious war, believers don't know what they give their lives for, yes they think it's done in the name of religion, but God doesn't give a shit about human sacrifice.
If he needs faith, then he needs believers alive. If faith can't prove he exists, then he doesn't exist. Equally, we can believe in the macaroni monster or grandma's holy slippers.
Only someone who can't and won't affect the situation while alive will blow himself up, which means he does it to relieve himself of the burden of responsibility of being dead.
It's no secret to anyone that suicide bombings are idiotic-you can't influence the purpose of your act.
There are many ways to kill people, but the stupidest is suicide bombing - when I first heard about it I laughed a lot as a kid.
If you want I can go through all the details of my reasoning, and options on how to effectively commit suicide and influence the current political regime, but that would be a separate topic that would violate the rules of the forum.

As an atheist, I have studied the fifteen religions of the world and psychology. At a certain time I tried to find my place in life, my purpose in life, but learned the harsh truth. God and faith are necessary for those who do not believe in their own strength. It is necessary for the weak - willed and for them has a socio-psychological meaning. If you believe, then this faith helps you to live - to feel that you are not alone, that there is someone who will help you, that your actions "need" to be done, even if they are stupid - like gathering in temples, lighting candles, praying.
And if you make a mistake - there is always an excuse - God wanted it that way.
I will never forget the moment when the pilot of a civilian plane prays to God for a safe flight. It's the height of idiocy - I'll never fly with a pilot like that - because if he's in danger, he'll give up control to pray.
The Quran just like other "holy" books (Sunnah, Bible, Vedas, Tanakh, Torah, Book of the Dead, Tripitaka, Tao Te Ching, Holi Pibi, Bayan, Guru Granth Sahib, Jain Agam, Avesta, ...) has errors and mistakes, because it was written by several people, is a biography, "historical chronicles" with excerpts for education, and the inferences of the people of the old ages about the structure of the world, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and culture - which in addition do not correspond to the theses of the time - now much of what is written in it does not make sense.
Today, instead of believing in anything, it is worth being more critical - and not believing in anything and anyone, as long as the opposite can be proved.
In many temples, services are conducted by "servants of God" priests, imams, priests, lamas, rabbis, monks, cohens, bonzes, gurus,... who are atheists and teach the basics of religion to believers, there is nothing unusual in this - who better than them can see the consequences of prayers and rituals.
By the way, most religions are extremely negative to atheists, not to followers of other religions.
Because they have no real basis of religion - almost all religions are very close to the sects, which at some point they were.
I don't think religion is useless or makes people weaker. No, it has potential - because if you motivate people properly, a lot is possible for them. But this is not said about modern religions; they are all infinitely outdated and have become useless to modern believers, they get in the way of their lives.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Super User Off Offline

user _Lima_ hat geschrieben
Stupid idiots choosing putin.

I imagine half of unrealsoftware is just made up of Putin stans

Lol... We're just infiltrated by the Kremlin gremlins...

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

User Off Offline

What's wrong with colonism

@user StirlizZ-Fapicon:
Dude you don't fucking know how much I wish to see people like you in real life, kick them out from their own houses and murder them since its okay for you.
I love how you ignore the fact that people are being killed every day simply because they want their country back since day one. The right to self-determination of peoples is only applicable to certain people.

alt Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Super User Off Offline

@user Xirot: we`re both living just next to shores of the same sea, literally, so meeting is possible somewhere in between. What about Greece or some italinan islands?

Anyway colonialism brings culture and tech into stone-age places which is good. Which is bad local lords selling their own people to newcomers as slaves.

Also what is "right to self-determination"? There is no any rights in the nature, this thing has been invented by people. Rights is what you fight for, not what you get free.

alt geschlossen Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Moderator Off Offline

I feel this thread has veered far enough into antisemitic and conspiracy theory territory that it no longer serves any purpose or value, additionally breaking rules Regeln §1.2 - Keine Rassismus and Regeln §3.1 - Keine Beiträge, die gezielt beleidigen/provozieren (Flame)

To quote from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

I invite those who are interested in continuing this discussion to continue it among themselves elsewhere.

I invite those who spew racist, jingoistic, and antisemitic rhetoric to think about what, or who, makes them think that way, and hopefully reevaluate their beliefs.

Finally, I personally invite everyone to condemn Russia's internationally recognized illegal aggression against Ukraine and do whatever is in your power to help, for example by raising awareness or donating to charity foundations or people directly affected.
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