
Admin/mod comment
don't start off-topic talk. /DC

i'm sure sum1 is willing to continue
Haris8 has written
I'm here to announce that this project has been STOPPED. I apologise, we're sorry, but we lost interest into RA2, thanks for your time.
Haris8 just stop making his RA2 Mod. DC should close this.
I Got good news, i have already set some files/tiles ect for download at unrealsoftware.. Sorry for Players skins i can't find them but i could create them again with oldish screenshots.. I had a nice Ra2 construction map but its gona i could make a new 1

Oh and i would like to create a Website About those mods and where you can download maps, skins, sprites ect..
Thanks for reading i hope i will save your life again.. !
thanks for systematically destroying this forum with trash accounts, CWF! Or shoud I call you El-Bosnavi, Surviver, Perfect-Dark, CSoldier, Haris8 or BiH-Armija?
DC has written
and why do you have 7 different accounts? (at least)
thanks for systematically destroying this forum with trash accounts, CWF! Or shoud I call you El-Bosnavi, Surviver, Perfect-Dark, CSoldier, Haris8 or BiH-Armija?
thanks for systematically destroying this forum with trash accounts, CWF! Or shoud I call you El-Bosnavi, Surviver, Perfect-Dark, CSoldier, Haris8 or BiH-Armija?
That's funny... funnier is the most aren't banned.
DC has written
and why do you have 7 different accounts? (at least)
thanks for systematically destroying this forum with trash accounts, CWF! Or shoud I call you El-Bosnavi, Surviver, Perfect-Dark, CSoldier, Haris8 or BiH-Armija?
thanks for systematically destroying this forum with trash accounts, CWF! Or shoud I call you El-Bosnavi, Surviver, Perfect-Dark, CSoldier, Haris8 or BiH-Armija?
This goes straight to my signature

Tnx DC

PS: i would like to have someone to help me with it if you want to continue the mod, but onllyyyy if there are like 5 people want to continue this mod if not.. i won't continue
srry for bad language.
you didn't answer my question CWF / El-Bosnavi / Surviver, Perfect-Dark / CSoldier / Haris8 / BiH-Armija. for what reason do you need that many accounts? I really would like to hear an explanation for that. from you.

PS: also i tried to apologize, i dont like to lie
did you read this? page) has written
Please note
You have to be at least 13 years old
It is strictly forbidden to register several times
Accounts with temporary email address will be deleted
New registration after a ban is forbidden
You CANNOT use this account for the U.S.G.N.
You have to be at least 13 years old
It is strictly forbidden to register several times
Accounts with temporary email address will be deleted
New registration after a ban is forbidden
You CANNOT use this account for the U.S.G.N.
your being VERY VERY ... LUCKY to not had been banned already.
i want to know what DC thinks about this and why he didnt banned directly all your accounts
however this thread has now been closed and trashed for punishment. don't create a new one about this topic.