i keep getting this on my menu:
LUA ERROR: attempt to call a table value
LUA ERROR: attempt to call a nil value
edited 1×, last 31.10.09 04:11:30 am
LUA ERROR: attempt to call a table value
LUA ERROR: attempt to call a nil value
a = {0,2,4} b = a + 4
a = b + 3
b = nil a = b/2
somthing = {12,"sv_name",88}
if (value == nil) then 	print('value doesn't exist!') end
if (value ~= nil) then 	print('value exist!') end
for i=1,36,1 do 	if (player(i,"exists")) then 		totalplayers = totalplayers+1 		if player(i,"team") = 1 then 			team1 = team1+1 		end 		if player(i,"team") = 2 then 			team2 = team2+2 		end 	end end
addhook("team","my_class") function my_class(id) 	if player(id,"team")==2 then 		<your script goes here> 	end end
addhook("team","teams") function teams(p,t) 	local i 	local team_t = 0 	local team_ct = 0 	local team_spec = 0 	for i = 1,32 do 		 if (player(i,"exists")) then 			if player(i,"team") == 1 then 				 team_t = team_t + 1 			end 			if player(i,"team") == 2 then 				 team_ct = team_ct + 1 			end 			if player(i,"team") == 0 then 				 team_spec = team_spec + 1 			end 		end 	end 	msg('=========================') 	msg('Terrorists:'.. team_t) 	msg('Counter-Terrorists:'.. team_ct) 	msg('Spectators:'.. team_spec) 	msg('Total Players:'.. team_ct + team_t + team_spec) end