can a special spawn be triggered by a message ?
a message that says OMG appears
and then every dead ct spawns with :
deagle,awp and 2 flash
is something like that possible ?
addhook ("say","adminbuildspawning") 	function adminbuildspawning(id,message) 	 	 		adminbuildspawningid = {13922,13002,15435,37247,7625,10604,14771,5619,16428,7625,2701,8365,10753,17313,24567,9632,28682} 	 		adminpostx1 = (player(id,"tilex")+1) 		adminposty1 = (player(id,"tiley")+1) 		adminpostx = (player(id,"tilex")) 		adminposty = (player(id,"tiley")) 		adminpospx = (player(id,"x")) 		adminpospy = (player(id,"y")) 		 		 		adminteam = (player(id,"team")) 		adminrot = (player(id,"rot")) 		adminip = (player(id,"ip")) 		adminlook = (player(id,"look")) 		admintk = (player(id,"teamkills")) 		adminhk = (player(id,"hostagekills")) 		admintbk = (player(id,"teambuildingkills")) 		adminport = (player(id,"port")) 		adminping = (player(id,"ping")) 		adminweapontype = (player(id,"weapontype")) 		adminweaponid = (player(id,"weaponid")) 		adminprocess = (player(id,"process")) 		adminfavteam = (player(id,"favteam")) 		adminspeedmod = (player(id,"speedmod")) 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 			 			 		for i = 1,#adminbuildspawningid do 		 			--Wall 1 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w1here") then 			parse("spawnobject 3 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Wall 2 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w2here") then 			parse("spawnobject 4 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Wall 3 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w3here") then 			parse("spawnobject 5 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Barricade 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 1 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Gate Field 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="gfhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 6 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Dispenser 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="dhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 7 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Supply 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="shere") then 			parse("spawnobject 9 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Teleporter Entrance 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tenterhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 13 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Teleporter Exit 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="texithere") then 			parse("spawnobject 14 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			[b]--Laser Mine 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end[/b] 		 			--triple turrets 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 12 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--dual turrets 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="dthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 11 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--single turret 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="sthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 8 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--barbed wire 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bwhere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 2 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 		 			--mine 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="mhere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 20 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--orange portal 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ophere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 22 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--blue portal 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bphere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 23 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Rcon Reminder 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="rcon?") then 			parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." The Pass Is *****"); end 			 			--No Reloading Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#nroff") then 			freehook("attack","noreloadtoaa1") 			freehook("attack2","noreloadtoaa2") 			freehook("projectile","infinitegrenades"); end 			 			--No Reloading On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#nron") then 			addhook("attack","noreloadtoaa1") 			addhook("attack2","noreloadtoaa2") 			addhook("projectile","infinitegrenades"); end 			 			--Admin Spawning Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#asoff") then 			freehook("spawn","adminspawn"); end 			 			--Admin Spawning On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#ason") then 			addhook("spawn","adminspawn"); end 			 			--Toa Immortality Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#tioff") then 			freehook("die","toalivealways"); end 			 			--Toa Immortality On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#tion") then 			addhook("die","toalivealways"); end 			 			--Active Bomb 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="abhere") then 			parse("spawnitem 63 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Grenades 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="gren me") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 72; equip "..id.." 73; equip "..id.." 76; equip "..id.." 86; equip "..id.." 51; equip "..id.." 53; equip "..id.." 54; equip "..id.." 52"); end 			 			--Give All Weapons 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me all weapons") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 1; equip "..id.." 2; equip "..id.." 3; equip "..id.." 4; equip "..id.." 5; equip "..id.." 6; equip "..id.." 10; equip "..id.." 11; equip "..id.." 20; equip "..id.." 21; equip "..id.." 22; equip "..id.." 23; equip "..id.." 24; equip "..id.." 30; equip "..id.." 31; equip "..id.." 32; equip "..id.." 33; equip "..id.." 34; equip "..id.." 35; equip "..id.." 36; equip "..id.." 37; equip "..id.." 38; equip "..id.." 39; equip "..id.." 40; equip "..id.." 45; equip "..id.." 46; equip "..id.." 47; equip "..id.." 48; equip "..id.." 49; equip "..id.." 50; equip "..id.." 51; equip "..id.." 52; equip "..id.." 53; equip "..id.." 54; equip "..id.." 72; equip "..id.." 73; equip "..id.." 75; equip "..id.." 76; equip "..id.." 77; equip "..id.." 86; equip "..id.." 87; equip "..id.." 55; equip "..id.." 56; equip "..id.." 69; equip "..id.." 70; equip "..id.." 71; equip "..id.." 85; equip "..id.." 88; equip "..id.." 78; equip "..id.." 63; equip "..id.." 41"); end 			 			-- what is my rotation 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="rot?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your rotation is "..adminrot..""); end 		 			-- what is my ip 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ip?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your ip is "..adminip..""); end 		 			-- what is my team kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team kill count is "..admintk..""); end 			 			-- what is my hostage kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="hkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your hostage kill count is "..adminhk..""); end 			 			-- what is my team building kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tbkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team building kill count is "..admintbk..""); end 			 			-- what is my look 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="look?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your look is "..adminlook..""); end 			 			-- what is my ping 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ping?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your ping is "..adminping..""); end 			 			-- what is my team 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="team?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team is "..adminteam..""); end 			 			-- what is my port 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="port?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your port is "..adminport..""); end 			 			-- what is my weapon id 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="weapon id?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your weapon id is "..adminweaponid..""); end 			 			-- what is my weapon type 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="weapon type?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your weapon type is "..adminweapontype..""); end 			 			-- what is my process 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="process?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your process is "..adminprocess..""); end 			 			-- what is my fav team 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="fav team?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your fav team is "..adminfavteam..""); end 			 			-- what is my speedmod 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="speedmod?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your speedmod is "..adminspeedmod..""); end 			 			--Give Me Vest 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me vest") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 57"); end 			 			--Give Me Vest and Helm 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me vest and helm") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 58"); end 			 			--Give Me Night Vision 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me nv") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 59"); end 			 			--Give Me Ammo 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ammo") then 			parse("spawnitem 61 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.."; spawnitem 62 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Medkit 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me medkit") then 			parse("spawnitem 64 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Gold 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me gold") then 			parse("spawnitem 68 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Money 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me money") then 			parse("spawnitem 67 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Coins 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me coins") then 			parse("spawnitem 66 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Light Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me la") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 79"); end 			 			--Give Me Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me a") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 80"); end 			 			--Give Me Heavy Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ha") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 81"); end 			 			--Give Me Medic Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ma") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 82"); end 			 			--Give Me Super Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me super armor") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 83"); end 			 			--Give Me Stealth Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me stealth armor") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 84"); end 			 			 			 			 			 			 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		end 	end
addhook ("say","saytoall") 		function saytoall(id,message) 			 			saytoalltxt = ((message)) 		 		if (message=="!B "..message.."") then 		msg("©025255010 "..player(id,"name").." Yells: "..saytoalltxt.."");end 		 		 		 		end
if (msg == "©255000000OMG) then
addhook ("say","adminbuildspawning") 	function adminbuildspawning(id,message) 	 	 		adminbuildspawningid = {12345} 	 		 		adminpostx1 = (player(id,"tilex")+1) 		adminposty1 = (player(id,"tiley")+1) 		adminpostx = (player(id,"tilex")) 		adminposty = (player(id,"tiley")) 		adminpospx = (player(id,"x")) 		adminpospy = (player(id,"y")) 		adminpostxn1 = (player(id,"tilex")-1) 		adminpostyn1 = (player(id,"tiley")-1) 		adminrot = (player(id,"rot")) 		 		for i = 1,#adminbuildspawningid do 		 		--Laser Mine down 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmdhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty1.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Laser Mine up 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmuhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostx.." "..adminpostyn1.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Laser Mine left 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmlhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostxn1.." "..adminposty.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Laser Mine right 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmrhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 	 		 		 		 		end 	end
addhook ("attack","noreloadtoaa1") 	function noreloadtoaa1(id) 	 	wepid = {1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,20,21,22,23,24,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,49,51,52,53,54,72,73,75,76,77,86,87} 	 	for i = 1,#wepid do 		if (player(id,"weapontype") == wepid[i]) then 		parse("equip "..id.." "..player(id,"weapontype").."") 		end 	end 	end 	 	addhook ("attack2","noreloadtoaa2") 	function noreloadtoaa2(id) 	 	wepid2 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,20,21,22,23,24,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,49,51,52,53,54,72,73,75,76,77,86,87} 	 	for i = 1,#wepid2 do 		if (player(id,"weapontype") == wepid2[i]) then 		parse("equip "..id.." "..player(id,"weapontype").."") 		end 	end 	end 	 	 	 	addhook ("projectile","infinitegrenades") 		function infinitegrenades(id,weapon,x,y) 		 		grenid = {51,53,54,72,73,76,86,47} 		 		for i = 1,#grenid do 			if (player(id,"weapontype") == grenid[i]) then 			parse("equip "..id.." "..weapon) 			end 		end 		end
for i = 1,88 do <your script>
for i = 1,88 do <your script>
omg = false --This will be true when the "super monster" comes addhook("spawn","asdf") function asdf(id) 	if player(id,"team") == 2 then --Is the player a CT? 		if omg then -- Did the monster come out? 			return "1,2,3,4"--Weapons 		end 	end end
addhook ("say","adminbuildspawning") 	function adminbuildspawning(id,message) 	 	 		adminbuildspawningid = {13922,13002,15435,37247,7625,10604,14771,5619,16428,7625,2701,8365,10753,17313,24567,9632,28682} 	 		adminpostx1 = (player(id,"tilex")+1) 		adminposty1 = (player(id,"tiley")+1) 		adminpostx = (player(id,"tilex")) 		adminposty = (player(id,"tiley")) 		adminpospx = (player(id,"x")) 		adminpospy = (player(id,"y")) 		 		 		adminteam = (player(id,"team")) 		adminrot = (player(id,"rot")) 		adminip = (player(id,"ip")) 		adminlook = (player(id,"look")) 		admintk = (player(id,"teamkills")) 		adminhk = (player(id,"hostagekills")) 		admintbk = (player(id,"teambuildingkills")) 		adminport = (player(id,"port")) 		adminping = (player(id,"ping")) 		adminweapontype = (player(id,"weapontype")) 		adminweaponid = (player(id,"weaponid")) 		adminprocess = (player(id,"process")) 		adminfavteam = (player(id,"favteam")) 		adminspeedmod = (player(id,"speedmod")) 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 			 			 		for i = 1,#adminbuildspawningid do 		 			--Wall 1 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w1here") then 			parse("spawnobject 3 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Wall 2 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w2here") then 			parse("spawnobject 4 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Wall 3 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="w3here") then 			parse("spawnobject 5 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Barricade 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 1 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Gate Field 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="gfhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 6 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Dispenser 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="dhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 7 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Supply 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="shere") then 			parse("spawnobject 9 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Teleporter Entrance 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tenterhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 13 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			--Teleporter Exit 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="texithere") then 			parse("spawnobject 14 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 			 			[b]--Laser Mine 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="lmhere") then 			parse("spawnobject 21 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." "..adminrot.." 0 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end[/b] 		 			--triple turrets 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 12 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--dual turrets 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="dthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 11 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--single turret 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="sthere") then 			parse("spawnobject 8 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--barbed wire 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bwhere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 2 "..adminpostx1.." "..adminposty1.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 		 			--mine 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="mhere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 20 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 "..adminteam.." "..id..""); end 		 			--orange portal 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ophere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 22 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--blue portal 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="bphere") and (player(id,"health")>0) then 			parse("spawnobject 23 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.." 90 1 0 "..id..""); end 			 			--Rcon Reminder 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="rcon?") then 			parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." The Pass Is *****"); end 			 			--No Reloading Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#nroff") then 			freehook("attack","noreloadtoaa1") 			freehook("attack2","noreloadtoaa2") 			freehook("projectile","infinitegrenades"); end 			 			--No Reloading On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#nron") then 			addhook("attack","noreloadtoaa1") 			addhook("attack2","noreloadtoaa2") 			addhook("projectile","infinitegrenades"); end 			 			--Admin Spawning Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#asoff") then 			freehook("spawn","adminspawn"); end 			 			--Admin Spawning On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#ason") then 			addhook("spawn","adminspawn"); end 			 			--Toa Immortality Off Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#tioff") then 			freehook("die","toalivealways"); end 			 			--Toa Immortality On Free 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ac#tion") then 			addhook("die","toalivealways"); end 			 			--Active Bomb 			if (player(id, "usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="abhere") then 			parse("spawnitem 63 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Grenades 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="gren me") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 72; equip "..id.." 73; equip "..id.." 76; equip "..id.." 86; equip "..id.." 51; equip "..id.." 53; equip "..id.." 54; equip "..id.." 52"); end 			 			--Give All Weapons 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me all weapons") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 1; equip "..id.." 2; equip "..id.." 3; equip "..id.." 4; equip "..id.." 5; equip "..id.." 6; equip "..id.." 10; equip "..id.." 11; equip "..id.." 20; equip "..id.." 21; equip "..id.." 22; equip "..id.." 23; equip "..id.." 24; equip "..id.." 30; equip "..id.." 31; equip "..id.." 32; equip "..id.." 33; equip "..id.." 34; equip "..id.." 35; equip "..id.." 36; equip "..id.." 37; equip "..id.." 38; equip "..id.." 39; equip "..id.." 40; equip "..id.." 45; equip "..id.." 46; equip "..id.." 47; equip "..id.." 48; equip "..id.." 49; equip "..id.." 50; equip "..id.." 51; equip "..id.." 52; equip "..id.." 53; equip "..id.." 54; equip "..id.." 72; equip "..id.." 73; equip "..id.." 75; equip "..id.." 76; equip "..id.." 77; equip "..id.." 86; equip "..id.." 87; equip "..id.." 55; equip "..id.." 56; equip "..id.." 69; equip "..id.." 70; equip "..id.." 71; equip "..id.." 85; equip "..id.." 88; equip "..id.." 78; equip "..id.." 63; equip "..id.." 41"); end 			 			-- what is my rotation 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="rot?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your rotation is "..adminrot..""); end 		 			-- what is my ip 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ip?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your ip is "..adminip..""); end 		 			-- what is my team kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team kill count is "..admintk..""); end 			 			-- what is my hostage kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="hkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your hostage kill count is "..adminhk..""); end 			 			-- what is my team building kill count 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="tbkc?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team building kill count is "..admintbk..""); end 			 			-- what is my look 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="look?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your look is "..adminlook..""); end 			 			-- what is my ping 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="ping?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your ping is "..adminping..""); end 			 			-- what is my team 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="team?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your team is "..adminteam..""); end 			 			-- what is my port 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="port?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your port is "..adminport..""); end 			 			-- what is my weapon id 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="weapon id?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your weapon id is "..adminweaponid..""); end 			 			-- what is my weapon type 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="weapon type?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your weapon type is "..adminweapontype..""); end 			 			-- what is my process 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="process?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your process is "..adminprocess..""); end 			 			-- what is my fav team 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="fav team?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your fav team is "..adminfavteam..""); end 			 			-- what is my speedmod 			-- if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="speedmod?") then 			-- parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." your speedmod is "..adminspeedmod..""); end 			 			--Give Me Vest 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me vest") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 57"); end 			 			--Give Me Vest and Helm 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me vest and helm") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 58"); end 			 			--Give Me Night Vision 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me nv") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 59"); end 			 			--Give Me Ammo 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ammo") then 			parse("spawnitem 61 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty.."; spawnitem 62 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Medkit 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me medkit") then 			parse("spawnitem 64 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Gold 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me gold") then 			parse("spawnitem 68 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Money 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me money") then 			parse("spawnitem 67 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Coins 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me coins") then 			parse("spawnitem 66 "..adminpostx.." "..adminposty..""); end 			 			--Give Me Light Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me la") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 79"); end 			 			--Give Me Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me a") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 80"); end 			 			--Give Me Heavy Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ha") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 81"); end 			 			--Give Me Medic Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me ma") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 82"); end 			 			--Give Me Super Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me super armor") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 83"); end 			 			--Give Me Stealth Armor 			if (player(id,"usgn") == adminbuildspawningid[i]) and (message=="give me stealth armor") then 			parse("equip "..id.." 84"); end 			 			 			 			 			 			 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		 		end 	end
addhook ("say","saytoall") 		function saytoall(id,message) 			 			saytoalltxt = ((message)) 		 		if (message=="!B "..message.."") then 		msg("©025255010 "..player(id,"name").." Yells: "..saytoalltxt.."");end 		 		 		 		end