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Englisch Touhou Project (東方)

36 Antworten
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alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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This Japanese(and I mean actual letters, and the translated help file didn't work lol) gAme I downloaded from the Internets. It starts with an I. Can't remember the name. Inaqous or something like that. I got it from a freeware game-sharing site.

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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Yeah , besides , TH is slowly Going into Freeware , And there are rarely any places to buy TH , Which means that chances of getting Sued is Totally nil

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

User Off Offline

Ah, thanks Wriggle, hadn't got the time to post the link there for those people.

Also, did you play the SA extra, and cleared it? I kinda need some advice on the Post-Sanae part. I know that I have to run to the right corner and dodge the crap that the fairies shoot right after Sanae's give-up, but I fail everytime. So, some help would be welcome. Thanks

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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Stay at the bottom and slowly edge to the left/right , Got stuck on this part for some time too

Or just use MarisaB and change to "Earth" , or use ReimuA and Repeatedly Edge to the Left(Doubletap Left at the edges

or if you are just lazy , Hit X or whatever button you set to Bomb

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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^ That's a nice reason, ahaha~

Well, thank you Wriggle, you made me use a bomb in the right time and dodge the last 2 waves.

Now the problem are Koishi's Embers of Love, Genetics of the Subconscious, and Rorschach in Danmaku.

Embers of Love makes me trapped the most
Genetics is totally impossible for me
And Rorchach in Danmaku is so confusing with all those waves.

Any tips from the expert?

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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Embers of love - Weave around everything unfocused and try to hit Koishi as much as possible , this spellcard gets harder every second

Rorchach - Stay as far as possible away from Koishi so that you've have a decent gap in every wave

Genetics - Basically Rorchach except that Koishi flies all over the place , again , Stay as far as possible so that there's space to dodge the waves and just hope that the timer runs out before you get hit

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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I can't get any game of Touhou because it have about 200Mb and Iam too lazy to download any game No that's joke.
Maybe i download one on new comp

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

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Wow, it sure has been a lot of time since someone came and posted something!

Anyways, it's pretty amazing how Touhou gets into nearly everything. Just making a game or twelve CAN lead into fans making fangames and stuff of every genre.

Oh look, we have an RPG now, no wait, even more of them!
And I'm not talking about Super Marisa Lands/Worlds and horizontal Touhous. And even a DotA, or a soccer game.

Isn't it awesome how this is popular? I think it is.
Also, Wriggle, can I ask for some advice on UFO extra :3
I hope I can. I have problems on dodging Blue UFO invasion of Grief, and Nightmare of Heiankyo. Advice is welcome. Thanks~

alt Re: Touhou Project (東方)

User Off Offline

Weird, they should be working totally normally.
Maybe it failed patching, or you're running the old exe.

Well, try repatching.
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