edited 1×, last 17.07.11 10:42:12 pm

5 replies

Why does someone with a completely empty free forum, .tk domain and no sense of how to spell official get a permalink and support from DC while cs2d.nl (which has already got a more filled clan database with just a liiiiittle more support for teams members and private forums) does not get any response at all.
Torque has written
This makes me feel a little hard done by...
Why does someone with a completely empty free forum, .tk domain and no sense of how to spell official get a permalink and support from DC while cs2d.nl (which has already got a more filled clan database with just a liiiiittle more support for teams members and private forums) does not get any response at all.
Why does someone with a completely empty free forum, .tk domain and no sense of how to spell official get a permalink and support from DC while cs2d.nl (which has already got a more filled clan database with just a liiiiittle more support for teams members and private forums) does not get any response at all.
did you send a request to me? if yes: sorry, I must have forgotten to reply/add the link. done.
@Hare - False. The PhpBB, MyBB, and SMF can do just as much as Vbulletin. Really, you don't have to have paid hosting to have a successful site. I mean, most clans just have a subdomain provided for them by one of their affiliates.
edited 1×, last 17.07.11 10:41:55 pm