new clan
new clan
3 replies Hi guys, due to the fact that Coolrun has better things to do then updating the thousand page menace that is the CS2D Clan Database, we have freed up his obligation to do so by creating a Community based Clan Database. You can view the new Clan at Oh geez please read the rules for a change... You've created 5 of the same threads, talked about clans outside the Clan Database and created multiple accounts (I assume). How many more rules do you want to break?
Anyways, I'll have to leave this to one of the moderators...
Oh and what's the use of posting about an entirely empty, standard site here? I'd advice to first make the site useful, then publicise it. as for the concept. There's about 10 of sites that aren't better than this one, what makes you think people will make yet another forum account for the somaniest free forum 'database'. thank you very much, I'll be better.