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BANNED Off Offline

In this thread faggots like Banaan are talking to kids while trying to prove that XP is better than 7, because all of them still use it. I won't reply to any message here, just wanna spend my priceless time and explain some facts to banana-roosters in this thread (cock-a-doodle-doo, guys!), desu. So, the thing is - first of all, some of you guys talked about design and transparency shit in Windows 7. And you're wrong, because only kids like you still use it. My Windows 7 uses Windows 98 old layout, and it works much faster than your shitty XP. Then some of you SUDDENLY said that XP is faster than Windows 7. OH WOW, OH YOU. Windows 7 is 9000 times faster than this shit called XP, if pre-configured properly. I myself deleted useless shit from my Windows 7, I keep my registry clean, and delete programs that I do not use. My start-up is about 10 seconds and then I'm free to launch any program and it will work properly. XP cannot into fast start, it loads like hell, so slow, even slower than a stoned slowpoke. Also you have to wait a couple of seconds after start-up so the programs and boot loaders will be launched, before that you're not able to start any program, it will lag like hell. Then, DirectX. Windows XP does not support DirectX 11, but Windows 7 does. That means that all of you who are UBERSUPERGAMERS are not able to play your brand-new-childish-awesome games (list: Crysis 2, Mirror's Edge, Portal 2 and so on) on XP. Because all of new games you fap to need DirectX 11 to work. So you lose again. Let's talk more about Windows XP. Some of you actually said ITT that if you use Windows 7 you can't launch games for XP. Cake is a lie, guys! If you have Windows 7 it's free to download Windows XP Mode, which allows you to launch any old shit you used to play with 99% efficiency. Last thing - Windows 7 goes 2 steps further than XP.
edited 2×, last 06.08.11 01:45:01 am

old closed :D

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gäb es dann nicht auch ein problem mit den Admin befehlen

wie z.B rcon speedmod1 100?
dann könnte der Admin auch keinen schaden mehr anrichten

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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I know people who are raging berserkers on the Internet, but can have a nice chat over a cup of coffee

So feel free to sue me, MrDickHead

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user Yamaxanadu has written
I know people who are raging berserkers on the Internet, but can have a nice chat over a cup of coffee

So feel free to sue me, MrDickHead

Didn't get that. Was this insulting MrShock right now or just a random name? And if it was MrShock, what did he do to you?

Really, I just flame people when they insult me so hard that they don't get it, and I say my opinion freely to others.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user Yamaxanadu has written
I know people who are raging berserkers on the Internet, but can have a nice chat over a cup of coffee

So feel free to sue me, MrDickHead

First, Iam not MrDickHead. Second, I don't do anything bad. Last, Nice story, bitch.

old closed Away...

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Sorry all i was gone for a while.

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user DC has written
did you just imply that you have multiple accounts which is strictly forbidden?

Who? just add a nickname before adding a comment, DC
fuck it hes speedy than me.
delete this comment.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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извените за вопрос не по теме но что делать если я нажимаю мультиплеер а у мя выскакивает error Parameter must be positive

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user LovePeaceTamine has written
user Yates has written
List of that I can remember:

It's more than you can think.

Haha, you should remember more. I want to know how much you actually made.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline

Actually there is 100% chance that I will create another account until I'm unbanned. Which is very unlikely, so.
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