If you think me defending someone who I'm pretty certain is innocent means that I'm somehow romantically involved with them, it really shows how twisted your view of the world is.
By your logic, lawyers are "girlfriends" of the people they defend, same for people who defend their friends when they are accused of anything that is baseless. It makes absolutely no sense.
You don't have any solid proof so you resort to personal attacks, that shows what kind of person you really are. mrc User
Keep calm and watch my community grow. I have 3 professional scripters working on my upcoming CTF server and it's gonna be awesome. Too bad for you that I'll block the access from Argentina. And good luck for DDoSing my servers when they are full, because I know you will do it. Wheres the mod when you need them..smh
j0kER aR has written
BCG2000 it's clear that you're the girlfriend of
mrc and you will never admit that it is he who attacks the servers....
Perhaps we can sort this out:
Assuming that
mrc actually did it:
1. Obtain the detailed information of the user of the IP of that time from the local Brazil ISP. Which you can do it by calling the Brazil Police, that you are the victim of an attack.
2. Getting players with this way is rather meaningless. The players will never generate any sort of income for him.
3. If he were to do this just for lolz, you could just ignore him. You can do nothing to stop him anyway, really.
Assuming that
mrc did not do it:
1. You've got the attacker's IP, go right to the Brazil ISP and fuck whoever that is up with this.
2. You're feeding the real attacker with your rage, which he might do it more frequently because you are enraged.
You are yet to provide any solid proof that
mrc is by any means related to the real attacker.
The picture you have provided:

Translation of your message:
sigamos jugando en cs2darn level
asi no nos preocupamos
por el recoil
let's continue playing on cs2darn level
So we do not worry
by the recoil(attack)
He wrote:
good luck with ddos :v
I can hardly interpret this as he saying good luck because he is going to dos your server. At first glance, I can see that he instead think you are the attacker.
It is only himself to know whether he is the attacker, why bother arguing over a topic that no clear answers would ever be given? If you are pissed with servers being dosed, then go to play other games instead. The attacker will eventually get tired and you will have some peace in mind then. From a "CS2D World Community" to a "CS2D who is the ddoser in community?" Who the fu*k cares.. stop this off-topic sh*t. Actually it almost has the same players when it was dead/forgotten, around 50-100 mostly. Well since seekay is reciewer again, why not remove cy's reviewer status? He's still very inactive, (seven months). And in the reviewer requirements it says visit atleast a week. Hey . No april fool this year ? Admin/mod comment
i wouldnt like to be maps, servers or even players. i would like to see cs2d dead Admin/mod comment
Please don't post if you don't have a serious/helpful contribution /DC // Post trashed because it serves no purpose at all, just poo-poo. /Fraizeraust Admin/mod comment
Gaios: You probably do not understand because my English is not very good.
DC has written
Don't use capital letters
and follow the rules
GeoB99: Fraizeraust: Thanks for the advice, friend I had done it but did not work at Action 1 Do I have to go to hc.confg ? @
GeoB99: Fraizeraust: Fraizeraust: Thanks for the advice, friend I had done it but did not work at Action 1 Do I have to go to hc.confg ? @
Yates: Thanks for the advice, friend I had done it but did not work at Action 1 Do I have to go to hc.confg ? @
GeoB99: Fraizeraust: Fraizeraust: Fraizeraust: Thanks for the advice, friend I had done it but did not work at Action 1 Do I have to go to hc.confg ?