0a User
Admin/mod comment
i'm sorry but this is so pointless that I'm forced to trash it J4x User
I have 3 vilotions because of spam..
i got 3 rules violation
1st:1337 speak (last time i read the rules i donno whats 1337 and then i forgot about it when i know what 1337 is)
2nd:i post English word on german topic :p
3rd: i donno if its spam or flame. maybe both
spam:6 spoiler
flame:i say vucgy92 sucks 6 times.
I've got 5 violations, also because of spam
I am very scared .. I don't have any
But there are guys who have ~30
( I won't tell you the nicks: it's anonymous! ) TTeeeelllll UUSSSS
I have 4
1) Illegal post
2) yeah, same illegal post
3) Saying, Ich spiele niederlands xP
My german was bad, on a german forum about "grepolis" I play it, but on dutch version, didn't know why that was spam, leiche told me to stop cry because it wont go away
Oh yeah,
4) I said something off-topic, meh i dontcare about that one
I have one for flaming and one for a spam post.
I knew i was going to get a violation , but i just couldn't help it but to response to milton's post , : milton has written
DC i don't hack he's PC i will only have more friends!=(
and MRSkock don't worry i can fix your PC if it hacked
so pls add me i send a friend request so pls accept i will not hack your PC and i don't know how i hack PC'S but i know how take away the HACKED PC =,(
that's all sorry but it is not my problem if your pc BENN hACKED i don't care id you desible or accept my friend request bye every body and HAPPY NEW YEAR mrskock and DC
with this :
lenz-_- has written
i jsut luv iit wehn ppl typ[e lik dat oh hpy news years oall
I have 9 violations , the violations are from my little brother and some of my childish things. @Time:
You should more likely have a violation removed becasue of that
5, off-topic posts mainly ( I am sure 1 of them was ontopic, but someone posted just before I did and it looked VERY off-topic. Someone had siad IDA Pro was a hex-editor and I added "And a dissassembler ^^" to straighten things out a bit, turned out being nasty
DannyDeth has written
Someone had siad IDA Pro was a hex-editor and I added "And a dissassembler ^^" to straighten things out a bit, turned out being nasty

It was me who said that. I've got two off-topic posts because of that (I dunno why those posts are off-topic). Also, I've got one illegal post when I offered TheKilledDeath torrent-link to download GTA SA. No, i am sure it wasn't you. Absolutely sure.
And offering a torrent link for a full-game to a moderator is a bad idea altogether, lolz. Epic fail. It was me. Proofs here. Who else is defiant enough to say that @ Unreal Software? Nope, it was Sunny Autumn, there's proof
Now, before I get another off-topic violation, I'm outta here
But MAX-Russia meant me when he said 'My friend uses IDA Pro', I told him. i dont have any.
and i´m registered here since 2007 so i guess i´m a calm guy
I want to know who has the MOST..
But we can only find out if the person knows he/she has the most, or a mod tells us who it is.. Who the hell cares about how many rule violations do people got?