
A really important question..
10 replies

But yes, you should go to the doctor when it's obvious you are not ok.
you must go to the doctor then take antirabbies
once a week
If you're bleeding you will probably get infected if you don't take care of your wounds, which will only make things worse.
Just go to the doc, man.
dont worry youll be just fine
You should go to your doctor, it might not be rabbies. You must take blood tests etc. so you would know exactly what you are dealing with. Good luck!
Silent_Control has written
Man, do you live with rats in your house or what?
Lol Philippines is polluted so many rats and many cockroaches thats why my mom said we'll go to the Canada.
Sunny Autumn has written
You should go to your doctor, it might not be rabbies. You must take blood tests etc. so you would know exactly what you are dealing with. Good luck!
You should go to your doctor, it might not be rabbies. You must take blood tests etc. so you would know exactly what you are dealing with. Good luck!
I agree with Sunny.
Oh, and btw...