NKN has written
Dont add crouching; its bullshit for any 2D game, it would lose gameplay
thinking about it, crouching in a 2d game feels kinda stupid.
i mean it IS 2d right? @FlooD
*in an epically mysterious voice* OR IS IT? EngiN33R has written
*in an epically mysterious voice* OR IS IT?
Totally needless reply. Admin/mod comment
What about your reply? Don't reply spam or any kind needless posts. Screenshots or it didn't happend J4x User
Wriggle whatch the previous version, we haven´t finished this one. Basically, crouching = sitting. EngiN33R has written
Basically, crouching = sitting.
or we can call it "duck" in CS 1.6
duck? u turn into a duck?
well maybe cs2d would be better iwth crouch
duck can be cool but jump not is good
NOTE:cs2d look more better if put physics Hunter162 has written
duck? u turn into a duck?
well maybe cs2d would be better iwth crouch

what a phail.
go CS 1.6 option, and see what "duck" in CS 1.6 for. @Hunter162
Not funneh. Derp.
Damn, I guess the game would lag seriously if your screen is shaking all the time. I may be wrong though. J4x User
No idoesn't lags, download v2.0 and you will see. can u make a jump system? J4x User
no, thats not possible (or maybe yes but it will be ugly). J4x User
no, the mod is freezed right now because im very bussy at school. Why the f do you make a mod if you got school? just do it at summer holidays.. lol @Vetle You mean summer vacation, no ? J4x User
i started the holydays but i just didn't finished.