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English Anybody Have Steam?

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Poll Poll


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75.00% (9)
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12 votes cast

moved Poll Anybody Have Steam?

User Off Offline

If u hve Steam say it in the comments and i will answer but mke sure u put ur Steam name in it so i could add u plz and we could play some games sometimes.

old Re: Anybody Have Steam?

Admin On Online

I was like "wtf" when I read this thread...

1. the poll says "minecraft" but the thread is about "anybody have steam"?! how does that go together?

2. you can enter your steam name / id / whatever in your Unreal Software user profile and every registered user will be able to see it.
this has 2 advantages:
- no need for a "let's share our steam ids" thread
- only registered users can see this data. this is a (small) protection against spam crawler robot stuff

trashed (especially because of point 1)
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