ppl cannot join my game?
ppl cannot join my game?
9 replies when i press net game, the serverlist appears, i can join their server, but when i create a server for my friend to join, he doesn't see it, the console says
USGN: Connecting ...
USGN: Connection successful (Ping: 110ms)
USGN: Adding Server to Database ...
Error: No USGN Response. USGN seems to be offline or busy. Try again later
I have port forwarded UDP 36963 but still getting this. why is this so? DC Admin
did you load load the serverlist patch? if yes: I had problems with fixing the http request which adds a server.
as alternative you can visit www.usgn.unrealsoftware.de copy your IP and givie it to your friend. Host a server and give the IP to him. He has to join with this ip and the "join by ip" button mine is the updated one, which is from the cs2d_0101 file i downloaded. but how will i know if the server is up, because when i hold down tab, the title says, and i assume the game is hosted on my computer but not on the internet. so even if i do give my friend my ip, he wouldn't be able to join (tried, it says ping something, cant rmb) DC Admin
when it says it does not mean, that it is not hostet on the internet. it just indicates that the U.S.G.N. server setup didn't work and the server is not listet in the serverlist.
So your friend should be able to join. The IP is blocked somehow when he can't join. In case you have a router you have to forward port 36963. he said that, when he creates a server the exact same thing happens to him as the first guy that posted here ahs, except the error is wrong. He also says that he went ot the website and tried to download the patch, but it said the patch didn't exist. yea i'm the friend that he's talking about.
ummm yea the server can be created but it cannot be added to the usgn database??!!
i've downloaded the lastest version b. of cs2d
and updated the usgn host file but it still doesn't work??!!
as the console says after i created the server:
the exact as the previous person execpt mine cannot add the server to my ip??!!
plz need help asap Lee Moderator
need some info from u first
1: do u have a router
2: did you forward the UDP port
3: are you sure you used the lan ip on the port forwarding (u can find it by typin ipconfig on the windows comand line) the console views after i create a server:
starting net game warning no way points for this map loading as_castle.map
map as_castle.map loaded
udp initialized. using port 60
usgn connecting........
usgn connection succesfull (ping 14ms)
usgn adding server to database...
error unknown usgn response (
1. i do not have a router
2. ?? u mean add the ip in the port??
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Philippe>ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
PPP adapter D-Link PPPoE AU Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
C:\Documents and Settings\Philippe>ipconfig Lee Moderator
oke then, i was just checkin, u dont have to worry about the routers
do you have your firewall on?
ps: try settin usgn_setserver again, it probly wont work -.-
just check if theres any net problems or if your firewalls on or maybe a anti-virus software is on ;P