<eLiTeS> clan is now requiting if you ever see our server just enter it and ask if you may join our clan!
what we have so far:
~clan spray
~clan maps
Join Use today! Lol, dont you think this is much requeriments?
DC Admin
requiting or recruiting
ohh good clan.but the best clan of Brasil is [EliteBR]
we dont play serius man.if we play srius you go down.
dont remember of the x1 with you and detaylor ???
remember ? "we dont play serius man.if we play srius you go down."
LOL...dont cry please...
"dont remember of the x1 with you and detaylor ???"
You lose...
Sorry for my ownage...
You need to train more...someday you will be like me...;) Admin/mod comment
please only link to large images, don't use the img-tag.<br>
thanks Nice cheat...
But this is a very old image...
These two are new...
So you are very noob...
old ????
''2 months''
cheat ??
you say cheat when some person kill you easy.
''dont cry''
if you speak more i post de deataylor lose ss. Lol noob...
You can won him once...
But he won you more then 20 times...
So please, stop crying your noob...
And go to train with bots...
yea im in the same i set cheat when killed my easy elite_t-virus has written
uhh idont really care..
i wanna join you clan elites Marcio has written
Lol noob...
You can won him once...
But he won you more then 20 times...
So please, stop crying your noob...
And go to train with bots...

Why do you insult him?
He never said that he is good.
And you are not the best...
You should better shut up... you dont know me so stop talking to me you pathetic human im talking to him not to you :p Marcio has written
Delete this topic...lol
what topic?