BlazingEyed, What the hell are you doing? This topic is about trolling so oxytamine can write that. There are more flames and spam posts but you making those posts "violation". Oh awesome.
BlazingEyed seems not to understand that. He has already deleted post, but who cares? He is givin' me violation marks just because he does not like me. For the win, man.
BlazingEyed seems not to understand that. He has already deleted post, but who cares? He is givin' me violation marks just because he does not like me. For the win, man.
x2, he doesnt like me so.
You know... "sucking" is not a flame...
And your post... its about trolling. DC or Leiche or Lee arent give a violation for those posts, but BE is just given. DC should think twice before making someone Moderator.
Sometimes it's not a flame, but if I say "suck my dick" that's flame. I think. Or not. I'm sick and I'm twisted, I'm broken you can't fix it. They'll think I'm insane but you'll all know my name! I wonder if he will give me violation mark again for that post.
Yup, I don't like you and I don't like him.
It's a flame actually and this is a public forum, not a chat, trolling is also forbidden.
Better keep your childish mouth shut.
Yup, I don't like you and I don't like him.
It's a flame actually and this is a public forum, not a chat.
Better keep your childish mouth shut.
Can't you think twice? Everyone says "you suck, that sucks, me suck, suck off".
Ah come on, what the hell I'm talking about?
I'm a child so give me 1 more violation.
Can't you look to name of topic? "UnrealSoftwareTrolls"
Stop givin random violation.
BlazingEyed is the worst mod here, probably. Keep trollin'.
I am talking about this. He doesn't know something about being a Moderator. BlazingEyed, do you know DC flaming sometimes?
Oh man, give him a violation too.
"#UnrealSoftwareTrolls" is about IRC chat. Not a troll itself.
Okay, removing the mark just because you goin' to cry.
I'm sure DC's flaming since there are so many trollkids.
"#UnrealSoftwareTrolls" is about IRC chat. Not a troll itself.
Okay, removing the mark just because you goin' to cry.
Oh come on, why don't you answer other questions?
Ahahhah, don't remove it, please give me 1 more violation.
Why you removin it? Because you scared from DC. Arent you?
Dude you know what, i will make everything for your Moderator rank's remove.
Get off.
BlazingEyed has written
Better keep your childish mouth shut.
Wait a minute, you can't give me commands because your a moderator.
Man, all of you shut up.
Well, oxy I just lol'd readin' your post's.. Carry on.
But "BE" is right, this is about an IRC. Not about a thread for trolling.
@0A. Yeah, violation which was actually right and I still removed. Anyways, sorry for that.
I'm a mod in a various sites, I know what it takes/means to be mod. Yet, you had no rights to argue.
Tip, send a PM if there some misunderstanding.
That's what's called maturity. Have a nice day.