
Zoraxe has written
ok cool, what Canadian time though. Is it, Pacific Time. Mountain Time, Central Time???
you mean what time i played with him in morning

coolrun has written
im in eastern daylight time (GMT). good luck finding me =).
what you mean with eastern daylight
coolrun has written
lol it just means that were still in daylight savings time, you no, where we have to put the time's forward or backward when spring starts and fall ends.
its bad we are from diffrent countries cuz the time here is not the same as the time there and we cant meet we can but hard to meet we have to play allday without no shutting the comp

Cheech has written
I didnt know we were still an hour later. No wonder suns up here at 7 am damnit. Eastern time rock im from florida.
now here is morning
edited 1×, last 28.08.06 06:48:22 pm
coolrun has written
lol zoraxe, my ip is over here, its 12:30, so you must be at 6:30. try tommorow at your time 6:00, or make a server that i can see.
i will try find you tomorow guis now here is evening 8.00 o clock and now im gona play cs 1.6
Man for any job
Guestkill anybody so be sure to contact me 5yr experience and 1yr of playing cs 1.6
be sure to let me join
Deathman has written
you need campers, recons, killers anybody its ME i WILL
kill anybody so be sure to contact me 5yr experience and 1yr of playing cs 1.6
be sure to let me join
kill anybody so be sure to contact me 5yr experience and 1yr of playing cs 1.6
be sure to let me join
do you play cs 1.6?
NOHHAH has written
COOL RUn may i can joijn?
i already joined but i dont know everyone of my clan

and skiper check on our website and click on members to show our full member list. (unless i forgot someone to add lol, but i doubt it)
coolrun has written
nohhah huh.....well first off what country you from, whats your nickname in the game, and how often do u play?
and skiper check on our website and click on members to show our full member list. (unless i forgot someone to add lol, but i doubt it)
and skiper check on our website and click on members to show our full member list. (unless i forgot someone to add lol, but i doubt it)
thanks dude
Btw I didnt see much of anything on the forums but hey im not arguing i know that takes time and this is a good forum already. Ciao.