ya, cold deth, camper and i r having trouble getting the forum up, i just hope that were getting to be a popular clan now lol =). if u have any sugestions of any way to improve the site, post here or msg me in the shout box on our website, (you dont have to include your email, its optional only.) as for the members in our clan well im kinda still looking for more but we have a nice 16 for now =). i might not respond for awhile here or on the game so everyone play your best while im away ^^. im counting on you guys on [LCS2D] making a name for itself!
-[LCS2D]coolrun when you go to your site you will see me in the mini messenger and cool run were do you click to make such think from freewebs the mini messenger were cold deth me and you and many people are posting massages the mesenger under the news
.... heh, skiper, you've already been posting msgs on the shout box. you just click send lol. and to everyone, we have a new member here, he's name is [LCS2D] Dont Laugh At Me.
P.S= this guy......he can own.....big time....maybe even better than me and camper......*hint hint*
i wont be playing for a long time because my CS2D file like i dont know keeps kicking me out when i try to play. im trying to download it agen someday WE NOW HAVE A FORUM
, just go to the site n click forum link... every member should register in forum, so u can post c0Ld_D3th has written

, just go to the site n click forum link... every member should register in forum, so u can post
im coming talk with you all remember im (LCS2D) turner if you meeted me sometime alrite avenged, cya in the futre then =). for our clan we still need a few more active members. im guessing everyone caught up with school and work by now......
. but neways just to let u guys know. we have a new member named......i think it was picture? i need to ask camper 2morrow.
[LCS2D]coolrun hey cool run dude i registered and im in the forum but aftert few hours im in school so dont be suprised if i dont answer you until 20 hours
np, remember me and cold deth r also in skool. dont really expect us to post much in our poem lol =). but if we dont have much stuff 2 do, we may be able to post.
-[LCS2D]coolrun and about that question in you forum cold deth asked my do i gona leave you clan just becouse i asked hot to make dont worry i wont leave the clan
im just asking for the clan... I'm part of the best clan in the world -[LCS2D] and i tried to register on the forum, but it saya i have to enter a verification code, but i cant see it. Please help. i can now see the comformation code, but when i enter it and fill in the rest of the information and click submit, i get an error saying "the conformation code you enter was incorrect" the code you have to type it with capital letters not with small thats why zoraxe
i did type it with capital letters and it still says that same error
its cool. it working now!
Admin/mod comment
use the edit function see i told you
coolrun has written
nohhah huh.....well first off what country you from, whats your nickname in the game, and how often do u play?
and skiper check on our website
www.freewebs.com/lcs2d and click on members to show our full member list. (unless i forgot someone to add lol, but i doubt it)
Im from England And i often change my nick.But right now im FighterFX my internet connection is 1.1mb/s so i can play online well. And i play quite often i cant say exacly how often i play, sometimes 2hours sometimes 10... my internet connection is suck when i play a surver on cs 1.6 it allways giving me not responding and i cant join
or when i play after few time my computer is get bug then it gives me warning:connection problem were coming back n recruiting again pls go to the our site and register in our forum to join clanczu i don't check dis forum much ok
LCS2D damn it u fuckin noob
y didn't u do this sooner coolrun?
if u go back ill definitly go back
YES LCS2D rise again!!!
we are considering making a new name, if u got sumthin to say bout that u da boss u do whatever u want
ill start put [LCS2D] tag up, ill use xHell Elfx cuz BlaZnMaFia is jsut a disguise