@Lee, I don't think it's going off-topic anymore as he doesn't host. I think it's just an open thread waiting to be closed.

@Lee, I don't think it's going off-topic anymore as he doesn't host. I think it's just an open thread waiting to be closed.
No one ever sat down and taught me how to code.
And then his statement at that he can make hacks in 3weeks yes its possible with public source code. But thats no where to start programming/hacking you will never learn anything from copy and pasting everything you do through ur programming career.
Anyways this thread actually can be deleted due to cs2dservers.com is over with. If i decide to bring it back will be under another domain and will be free servers.
If anyone would like cs2dservers.com till 10/9/2012 pm me your name servers

"I just love studying. Yet, I can make hacks right now, what's so bad in it?"
HIGHLY DOUBT IT. dont use public source codes thats where skids fail at. I been programming in c/c++ and been improving my reversing skills for 4years now and still need to reference stuff online. So highly doubt u learned how to hack in 3weeks when you last sent me that pm.
HIGHLY DOUBT IT. dont use public source codes thats where skids fail at. I been programming in c/c++ and been improving my reversing skills for 4years now and still need to reference stuff online. So highly doubt u learned how to hack in 3weeks when you last sent me that pm.
Why three weeks, I'm two years in programming. Yet, you can use another programming language. I don't really know C++, but I really enjoy Python, for example.

And you think ur pro cause you can use a public booter to take down servers how pro of a hacker are you thats pretty cool bro.
What's public booter? Did I ever tell you that I'm "pro" or something?
I am not going to continue this discussion. It only leads to spam and off-topic. Let's stay at our opinions about ourselves. Make love, not war. Peace.
edited 1×, last 31.10.11 12:20:41 am

And you think ur pro cause you can use a public booter to take down servers how pro of a hacker are you thats pretty cool bro.
What's a public booter? But whatever it is, he didn't use it. If Nick wants to, he will tell you about the whole process. Don't ask me, I won't answer.
1. acquire cheap vps: lowendbox.com
specs to worry about:
virtualization technology- openvz sucks (laggy). rest are fine.
bandwidth- depends on how popular. definitely >200gb for very popular servers.
location- find one close to the people who will play in ur servers are.
cpu- more is better. unfortunately most vps companies dont tell u how much cpu u get.
ram - anything >128mb is enough.
2. upload ur files... learn basic shell commands (all u rly needa know is cd ls chmod vi)
3. start 20 cs2d servers.
3. ???
4. lose $5 a month hosting 20 servers.
alternatively, be a faggot and go rip people off by selling ur servers for $5 a month each and make 95$ profit a month.
You mean MostAfa's servers?
Granted, they do lag, but they arent the worst.