I can't read your messages. My english is too bad. And Google Traduction can't traduce your messages.
So, yet if this is critics to my management technics, Please put it on my forum.
Here is not for meet about adf.ly or my servers (TEST IT BEFORE TALK !!!).
See you ON MY FORUM, this topic is not for critics.
So, yet if this is critics to my management technics, Please put it on my forum.
Here is not for meet about adf.ly or my servers (TEST IT BEFORE TALK !!!).
See you ON MY FORUM, this topic is not for critics.
I think you misunderstood the usage of a forum, a topic and a post in a topic.
I understood usage of a forum. But, when they are 5 pages, and when I reply many times for question like adf.ly (it's a choice, it can change anytime. Yet, I am going to put this servers really free with options.
(unlocking of contrys...)
So... Somes news from the battleground : the panel is yet available (ftp, start, stop, reboot)

The server is on the rack, it ping, and all components have been installed (free memory after Apache & OS : 556Mo, hard drive : 245Gbits, we have a problem with 64Bits OS (uncompatible with network card.
So... Tomorrow we start deliveries... If you stand a mail from me, here is our mail : support at easyhd-hosting.com
See you on the forum.