
Please, visit my web-site and take a look at FAQ. Everything is there.

oxytamine Well I did , i sended a request like subject : free server ; mesage : username: DaxteR , pass : ... ; Is it allright?

Try again, seems like I can't see your message. Also, you should wait up to two weeks before you get a server. That's because everyone wants one and I receive many applications.

What type of vps or dédicatéd server do you use ? Ram ?
Does not matter.
How many memory ? (I called thjs RAM)
Sorry to say it, but if you can speak in PM, it would be nice

It does not matter what do I use and how much RAM do I have. Yet, I won't discuss it neither here or in private.
I don't want to discuss about RAM, or procs specifications, I say, please do not discuss here about Oxy2D with WannaBe. You can discuss about it in private

Why everyone says Oxy2D while it's OxyServers, I don't really get you. Also, he had asked and I answered.
I don't know. I've read Oxy2D, so I write Oxy2D :D'
News : We are looking on a panel for #Android, #BlackBerry, and #iPhone. Why not ask to a développer

Our site is ready. Just the market to finish. Our logo have been modified. Our CSS servers, MineCraft servers are ready (CSS : 0.5€ per slot, MineCraft : 0.6€ per slot), and coming soon : Modern Warfare 3.
edited 2×, last 02.01.12 08:03:41 pm

@topic: Hope you're not using "http://easyhd-hosting.com/" to host, it took me like forever just to load "http://easyhd-hosting.com/images/aleatoire/11110301214025964.jpg" (like freaking 5 seconds!!" - So I'm guessing you don't have gigabit speeds

You really shouldn't have a 1.6mb image on the front page, bw waster...
*i like it*
okey you got me i will buy 1 free cs2d server.

[...] buy 1 free cs2d server.
You cannot buy what is free, you can get it though.

oxytamine: Well it was a fairly recent domain name change, can't expect the users of the internet to update that quickly.
@topic: Hope you're not using "http://easyhd-hosting.com/" to host, it took me like forever just to load "http://easyhd-hosting.com/images/aleatoire/11110301214025964.jpg" (like freaking 5 seconds!!" - So I'm guessing you don't have gigabit speeds
You really shouldn't have a 1.6mb image on the front page, bw waster...

@topic: Hope you're not using "http://easyhd-hosting.com/" to host, it took me like forever just to load "http://easyhd-hosting.com/images/aleatoire/11110301214025964.jpg" (like freaking 5 seconds!!" - So I'm guessing you don't have gigabit speeds

You really shouldn't have a 1.6mb image on the front page, bw waster...
We don't have a server only for website. Why ? If the network of servers is down, you can have a look to news, ask to the support and know why is it down

But, I know you, put a big image for little connections is a bad idea :). I will put the same in little, or reduce it.
We know, we must launch open beta on the 7th January. We must test "screen", our "scripts" and our 1000hz Kernel made in easyHDHosting, and test speed connection

We must put adverts tomorrow I know. If you can clic on them, it would be nice

We must take 5000 visits per month, but it's not only CS2D *ouff
PS : Logo made by photoshop iMac, I really love it

Yes, it's against the rules. But, it's not really for make money

You want free servers or NO ?
Yes, it's against the rules. But, it's not really for make money
Yes, it's against the rules. But, it's not really for make money

No I was referring to Here...
I'll wait until the control panel is finished before I request one

Yet, we work with adf.ly
gtfo. nuff said. you fail and your servers probably suck shit out my ass from a straw.
Admin/mod comment