Admin/mod comment
Worst. Title. Ever. Fixed. J4x User
Tehere are a lot of users that accept weapon request in this website, just send a pm. I'll try to make it... Resize with black lines. The thing I hate. Looks like we might need a request thread kinda like gamebanana does.
As for the resize its not all that bad
Its certainly not the worst out there so id leave it as a decent skin.
Phenixtri has written
As for the resize its not all that bad

Its certainly not the worst out there so id leave it as a decent skin.
It's not a decent skin. It's AWR's way of making whole skinpacks. I still say its decent ive seen far shittier resizes before and at least this one isn't total eye rape. Still usable and the quality fits in with the rest of the default CS2D weapons which are by all means simple. I'm sorry but you're making a big mistake.This is not a resize.
This is what you get if you resize the original and add black outlines:
And this is the one I made.
I think you can see the difference between the two.I added more colours on my version because I wanted to make it look more detailed.I'm not saying its a great skin but at least its not a resize. Well the original sucks anyways.