Hello! Help! how do I remove the maximum ping for a player to not thrown, but then I have a standard ping is 100! which file? and another, how to remove speedhack?
Admin/mod comment
Use a better title next time. In addition: No smiley spam. Closed /ohaz
Change your title, make it so it actually explains what your thread is about in short (How to change pinglimit).
To change the ping limit you must open the console and type in this command: mp_pinglimit
This will only work if you are the server, if you are not but you have RCon just simply add that in front of the command like so, rcon mp_pinglimit [amount].
Now, you can't fully stop hackers, what you can do is turn the anti-speeddetector on. mp_antispeeder
Please note people that lag will also be detected as hackers and will be kicked.