
8 replies

maybe it works with the 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 system
btw.: there should be a manual with all commands in your cs2d directory! Its called Manual.htm.
Otherewise you can get it here:
i very hard type this name and hard to unban BUT thats why there is a id

Re: unban
Guestunban "ip"
skiper has written
i hate people (hacks) with names like |FDGXFG>M<M<IFYUJFYUIGMVHUITUYMKGUI)_+*&() %&*(567
i very hard type this name and hard to unban BUT thats why there is a id
i very hard type this name and hard to unban BUT thats why there is a id

There is an easier way to ban/kick people!
Instead of typing out the entire person's name (i.e. kick "Player ABC"), you can kick the person by ID. This is how you do it:
1. Open the console by pressing ~ (duh)
2. Type listplayers in the console.
3. It will display a list of all current players, their IP addresses, and a number before their name (i.e. #3 Player ABC).
4. Type kick 3, or ban 3 first, if you want to ban them.
Hope this helps.
Re: unban
Guest skiper has written
it helps alot but when i wrist listplayers and i cant see the id cuz the people kill and die and it goes in up very very fast
Heuaeiuaehu! That is funny...