Also Marcio, I have no clue what you're talking about because I've been to your server only twice. I don't recall myself owning anyone nor anyone owning me. Your buddy Metador's server, his server lags tremendously so I therefore I leave his server. You have nothing to say about me because you've never seen me or my " clan " play before nor have I even seen you in action. So all the remarks you've made are proven false.

Also Marcio, I have no clue what you're talking about because I've been to your server only twice. I don't recall myself owning anyone nor anyone owning me. Your buddy Metador's server, his server lags tremendously so I therefore I leave his server. You have nothing to say about me because you've never seen me or my " clan " play before nor have I even seen you in action. So all the remarks you've made are proven false.
Ameer925 has written
got ya, so not the whole clan hates losing
anyway, that's kind of a dumb statement. Of course, unless you have some strange problem, most people do not like losing. It's just human nature, everyone wants to win, though not everybody does. {KiNg} doesn't necessarily hate losing, we just almost never do lose. There are the few occasions where we fall barely behind for a short time, but it's more that everyone else envies King's ability to win you all.
Instead of complaining about the clan, why don't you admire us and get better, so that you n00bs can actually beat us, instead of whining.
(sorry, didn't mean to be so harsh, but I hope you get my point).
I hate losing =). Sometimes I end up on a dieing streak and it pisses me off. But on other occasions I get on a role and I start dropping people then when I die I start my losing streak again =).
Hating to lose is something implemented into all of mankind(yes woman too). We all love winning which is why we play such a competetive game.
and i meant cant stand losing , noone likes to lose.
and did u mean if i have problems?
Yes...Quite Weird
When I was killing Hitman with knife, he comited suicide...owned...

So how is that owned?
Uprating 3 isn't helping at all, your server lags horribly.

Snowman, you don't make any sense whatsoever, the reason why I have a problem with you is because you've said crap about my clan. That's why I dislike you,

I never made fun of your clan, I had fun of no one as you say to marcio, show proof
ahuynh26 has written
Marcio, prove it? []_(())[]_ You're such a bad liar, if you own'd me " by " knifing me then where's the proof?
So how is that owned?
Uprating 3 isn't helping at all, your server lags horribly.
Snowman, you don't make any sense whatsoever, the reason why I have a problem with you is because you've said crap about my clan. That's why I dislike you,
So how is that owned?
Uprating 3 isn't helping at all, your server lags horribly.

Snowman, you don't make any sense whatsoever, the reason why I have a problem with you is because you've said crap about my clan. That's why I dislike you,

I didn't kill you with knife, because in the time you comited taked screenshot, but the folder is empty, I dont know why...
Re: {KiNg}/ |K| Clan
Guestagainst mac 10 and M4A1
Ahuynh26 has written
-.- I didn't commit suicide. You auto killed me? did you? O.o
You are lying...Matador see it, and he said: "Look that noob, dont want to die to a knife and commited suicide"...You cant ignore that, thats true...

Re: {KiNg}/ |K| Clan
Guestbut also good on hackers