
Had I known that some of my maps would be included in the cs2d update, I would have promptly edited out the secret areas just to make the maps more fair and fun, without a means of "cheating."
The lasers were placed in the maps simply for fun. When I first started making maps, it was in a way my "signature" to hide a laser/flamethrower in some hard to read area of the map. Before I ever expected that people would be frequently playing these maps online, I used the secret lasers in my maps as ways to fool around with bots and impress the few loyal players who downloaded my map pack and would play online with me.
I somewhat regret placing the lasers in and showing a select few where they are located, because others have found out, too, making the map a race-to-the-laser instead of just a regular map.
@DC: If you ever plan a future update for the current cs2d, please tell me which maps you will include, because I am working on simply removing the secret places from my maps for online-play and just touching up the maps slightly, so the updated versions can be included.
sorry for my english...
Terriost: Metal Detectors MUST have some kinda weak spot

Map by |jUSTiN|
Terrorists have infiltrated an airport to prevent a
secret government weapons shipment plane from taking
off. They will do anything to destroy the plane.
CT's rushed to the scene quickly and it is their job
to stop protect the plane and save the helpless host-
ages from their deathtrap aboard a threatened 747.
CT's: Stop the T's from bombing the plane or at least
get the hostages to safety.
T's: Destroy the 747 at all costs!
Other notes: There are four hostages in this mission.
There are two bombspots: beneath the plane and inside
the cargo area.
There ya go :p
GuestT:go into first column box and shot bottom left wall
|---- ----|
goto top fence on right and shot sign.
goto top-right after broken(inside roof)and theres a teleport leading to a room with 1 HE,2 Lasers,and 2 Fireblowers!!!!!!!!
(its also almost proof to speedhackers:they go right past the entrance!!)
Thats the laser locations for maps without lasers in sight

dfuser too!
more laser spots
Guestand put a different symbol on each blank tile.)

Anyways you just told them the terrorists spots you didnt tell them ct spots.

edited 1×, last 27.12.06 02:33:30 am