5 replies Well seeing as their is much controversy between clans right now I wanted to see how many people have found problems with the clan i have had problems with lately.
<<KT>>- Has any1 have problems with this certain clans or mainly its members? especially masskiller. At First they seemed like an ok group. But then I joined their server and they go round until tjhey got cash for awp then bam round restart.
Also they seem to abuse their servers by getting excessive he's they could be at bomb site in de_cs2d and be launching he's like crazy even tho makes server lag.
Was just curious to see how many players this clan has affected. Just don't go to their server. They ban many people from their servers when they lose. So don't worry about it, you're not the only one
ahuynh26 is right, you're not alone. In fact, lots of clans in lots of games are like that....unfortunately.
So, pretty much, just avoid the bad clans... mrc User
Two words..."nb clan"
wow in my server i ban only if i cant kill the hacker 1 time 30 minutes
mrc User
NOTE: Hehe, if you own {KiNG} clan in their servers, they shut down the server...
But in my server, I ban cheaters (speedhackers), kick buggers and players that dont set uprate "3"...These are 3 simple rules in my server...If everyone follow these rules, everibody will have fun!