Is Storm_PL a hacker clan?
Is Storm_PL a hacker clan?
43 replies yo sometimes u need to think before u call ppl a hacker
1. think of ur own skill
2. think of their skill
3. ping
4. record
to ppl who use aimbot or change the power of awp or whatever weapon:
you have no skill and ppl will feel sorry for a noob like u Wow I agree with you. Instead of spontaneously calling someone a hacker/aimbotter/wallhacker/lagger/noob/admin briber/goat raper/etc. when he kills you, try and figure out HOW he killed you. I hate retarded 9 year olds who play CS Source and go nuts when you kill them. I got banned from quite a lot of servers due to claims that I cheated. My friend's Steam account got banned from lots of servers because I was playing from his pc
. Seriously, if youre average on CS1.5, you will DOMINATE on CS:S.
Lee Moderator
when i do something someone doesnt think i would do, they call me a quote "f***ing hacking b****" and then kick me, heres some of the reasons ur been a egocentric b****
1. he is either obviously hacking, for example 10 times the ussual speed, or he's lagging, it doesnt take a genius to figure it out
2. He's just really good
3. Ur a effing NOOB
anyways, hope u'll consider all of them, oh, and here's marcio's favorite one
4. He's using a strategy, eg walking in the opposite direction he was goin a sec ago and rearend u (thats my fav, but seems lyk no one caught on yet o.O DC Admin
this thread is going to be just a pile of spam and flame