
TxRedneck: Your CS2D FreeHosting website is vuln your website can easily hack and upload, A shell you should fix this problems your website is vuln in (SQL Blind,SQL,XSS) PM me if you want to fix this problems i can help you to remove this vuln injections so your website will be secure. Also protect your files like (/includes,/images,/admin,/adminpanel)

Admin and Adminpanel are now only accessible by me. You cant access include's until your signed in,images are useless lol but disabled viewing the index. And SQL protection should be pretty tight but may be a few holes somewhere not sure where. Also just fixed a XSS exploit.If you happen to find a vulnerability on the site let me know so I can get it fixed asap.Got a big to-do list tomorrow main issue is the map changing bug, then server name with space's bug.


Lol theres 186 xss exploit to your site, 1 Blind SQL and 1 SQL Injection. The sql injections are on ticket system you made.
Ticket system has never been open to public(cant access the files) until it's finished. And please if you want to talk about these matters email me or pm me.
Script kiddies, like you and him (he is one of them too).

Nope. I think your the one, whos skid here.

Nope. I think your the one, whos skid here.
I don't even program anymore, lol.

Any suggestions or help is welcome.

I dont think its good idea cause users will register more accounts to have more server.. so not required to pay.. you should use some ip security settings..
You, don't know anything so stop acting like you know about this things.

The thing he is right about is that the whole web-site and that guy are both retarded.

The thing he is right about is that the whole web-site and that guy are both retarded.

The thing he is right about is that the whole web-site and that guy are both retarded.
Lulz. They are, both retarded?