So lately we've had a few (highly competitive) matches on the server. Some 5on5s and some 3on3s + the warmup rounds.
The performance has been really great. Turkish players had pings between 30 - 50. German players between 10 - 30 and polish players between 15 - 40.
With the central location in europe and the strong connection the pings get really low.
Combined with the good performance of the server, it makes a really great game feeling
I've also done some rcon fps with results of 48 - 50 fps and 7ms - 10ms buffers.
Ah yea and the map transfers have worked without a flaw too. (lately some european private servers have had big issues with failing maptransfers, see PCS & other servers)
I'm tempted to ask for a second server, so that I can use the first one for matches (private server) and see how the second server would work for public gaming.
I was thinking of a 16 slot server with deathmatch running and some nice lua scripts (like double/tripple/etc - kill sounds) and a nice mapcycle (possibly with a lua mapvote script).
But for now I'm very happy with this great match server