Please Tell Me When Will Get The Server
And Pm me the Website edited 1×, last 01.03.13 07:17:59 am
Admin/mod comment
Don't use so many line breaks. Saski GAME BANNED
Untitled has written
Lol I got lucky cause I saw this post and there was like only 2 and I was like o.o "this is my time"
Admin/mod comment
Ok, everyone who sent his email, got his server now.
When ur server use over %15 cpu or over 120mb ram it will restarting.
Have Fun guys!
SD User
How many cores do you have? How do i change server name? i re-downloaded the cs2d dedicated but that doesn't seem to change the problem that the turrets doesn't kill terrorist Admin/mod comment
pls for me, i register in the website:
user: samer @
wotaan: how do I edit the server?
Untitled , upload your files , to folder
ex : serverinfo.txt , upload on sys folder , This ftp access could be very dangerous...
Make sure the users can't replace the cs2d binary with a custom file (MD5 checksum, ...) and have binary execution permissions.
- Email address (only visible with login) - BcY Reviewer
sixpack: its already have one.
xTreme96: its over, sorry.. wait new one. @
wotaan: Never got one so I did not get a chance to see what's possible and what's not. I just wanted to warn you just in case. Good to know people are looking into security after all. yes i agree with
BcY , its a great service
How do i change server name? - Email address (only visible with login) - @
mr_s: Its over all the servers are taken.
sixpack has written
This ftp access could be very dangerous...
Make sure the users can't replace the cs2d binary with a custom file (MD5 checksum, ...) and have binary execution permissions.

sixpack: Is right ftp acces is possbile danger because users can, Easily change the cs2d binary with something...