mrc User
7 rounds per team
[ 2dBR ] 11 x 1 {KiNg}/|K|
( 1 vs 1 )
[ 2dBR :: Marcio ] (TR) 7 x 1 (CT) |K| Ameer925
Two times with knife, the third one I died.
> Change Teams
[ 2dBR :: Marcio ] (CT) 4 x 0 (TR) |K| Ameer925
> Ameer left the server (Homework, lol?)
Damn, I taked a lot of screenshots but only work in this:
He said a lot of times: "You are a hacker."
Admin/mod comment
AGAIN: do not use the image tag for big images (the size of the forum tables should not be changed at 1024x768 screen resolution because of images etc.). I suggest that you do NEVER use it again! all the time you use it for images which are to big. don't post these match reports.....
everytime a new thread....for each match... mrc User
Ok, sorry...
Just for your information, I don't consider Ameer925 a good example of a King member. He's a new recruit, thinks he's "all that" but really isn't. mrc User
ljUSTiNl has written
Just for your information, I don't consider Ameer925 a good example of a King member. He's a new recruit, thinks he's "all that" but really isn't.
And Hitman, Padro, R04R...etc?
edited 1×, last 12.12.06 06:25:31 pm
Marcio has written
And Hitman, Padro, R04R...etc?

Hitman, Padro, R04R, 666, PhaTz, MiLkWeEd, and myself, I would consider a fair representation of |K| King Clan (basically all the normal skilled members, not the new [noob?] recruits). mrc User
Marcio has written
7 rounds per team
[ 2dBR ] 11 x 1 {KiNg}/|K|
( 1 vs 1 )
[ 2dBR :: Marcio ] (TR) 7 x 1 (CT) |K| Ameer925
Two times with knife, the third one I died.
> Change Teams
[ 2dBR :: Marcio ] (CT) 4 x 0 (TR) |K| Ameer925
> Ameer left the server (Homework, lol?)
Damn, I taked a lot of screenshots but only work in this:
He said a lot of times: "You are a hacker."

only cs2d map?
only noobs play cs2d map and being proud of his stupid camps in this map
real players in de_dustshow me your ownage in dust map!
pfff it's funny to watch you posting the same shit again and again but please can you stop these silly "We are better!" and "Let't play another match with other maps!" and so on!
This is such a childish and noob behaviour..... mrc User
I didn't say that your clan is better(I don't know)..I just said you should stop these spam posts.....
Use ICQ or e-mail and not this board...... mrc User
Did you read my posts? You should stop posting such things....where's DC ?!?! marcio dont make a thread for everymatch its no wonder who will win so?!
The 1st time they beat us they played against lower class kings and then they woulnt shut there moths i think it was mafia soldier and way low rank guy mrc User
PhaTz has written
The 1st time they beat us they played against lower class kings and then they woulnt shut there moths i think it was mafia soldier and way low rank guy
Lets make the official and then we will see who is better, we are waiting phatz...
Anytime you want...