
Question about Source Code
30 replies
O and in the weapons section, what does "weapon_disp(i)"
I am using USP for an example

EDIT: What do the numbers after the subject represent
i.e. "weapon_frame(i)=1"
EDIT2: and is the directory of cs2d , like were all the folders are
i.e. gfx, sfx , bots, maps etc.
EDIT3: and what is the highest and lowest damage rate
i.e. 1- hp goes down by 1
500 - hp goes down by 50
how is the reload speed measured
ANd how is the Range measuredPLEASE HELP
edited 3×, last 26.12.06 07:46:10 am
i tin weapon_sfx is the sound of the shoot
i dont know for the other
weapon_frame(i) - frame for this weapon (weapons.bmp)
weapon_frame_dropped(i) - frame for the weapon when it is dropped (weaponsd.bmp)
weapon_sfx(i) - firing sound. the stuff behind are variables which contain the sounds. they are loaded somewhere else
weapon_freq(i) - weapon fire frequency / speed
to edit: the frame in the image starting from 0 (the images with the weapons contain several weapons. each weapon is one "frame" in this case)
to edit2: yes (?)
to edit3: I don't know. just test it in order to find fitting values
DC has written
weapon_disp(i) - dispersion / accuracy
weapon_frame(i) - frame for this weapon (weapons.bmp)
weapon_frame_dropped(i) - frame for the weapon when it is dropped (weaponsd.bmp)
weapon_sfx(i) - firing sound. the stuff behind are variables which contain the sounds. they are loaded somewhere else
weapon_freq(i) - weapon fire frequency / speed
to edit: the frame in the image starting from 0 (the images with the weapons contain several weapons. each weapon is one "frame" in this case)
to edit2: yes (?)
to edit3: I don't know. just test it in order to find fitting values
weapon_frame(i) - frame for this weapon (weapons.bmp)
weapon_frame_dropped(i) - frame for the weapon when it is dropped (weaponsd.bmp)
weapon_sfx(i) - firing sound. the stuff behind are variables which contain the sounds. they are loaded somewhere else
weapon_freq(i) - weapon fire frequency / speed
to edit: the frame in the image starting from 0 (the images with the weapons contain several weapons. each weapon is one "frame" in this case)
to edit2: yes (?)
to edit3: I don't know. just test it in order to find fitting values

Admin/mod comment
and don't forget to start your pc first.this comment was really unnecessary

it says cant find end funtion <---- or somthing
maybe you changed the code and as a result of this its now erroneous

edited 1×, last 27.12.06 02:41:09 am