
USGN server problems still
10 replies

Thats true, in this version is very constant...
Since the new cs2d, I have never gotten it to work, and I can't figure out why. It used to work occasionally with 0101. Now it never works in 0102.
And I have had many problems where USGN just seems to "die". I'll be on a server, it will suddenly ping timeout, and when I over and over again update the USGN list, it just says 0 Server Registered/0 Available. After about 10 minutes, it's usually fixed though.
Thats why!

Edit: I just changed some settings. Is it better now? Please give me some feedback.
edited 1×, last 17.12.06 12:33:20 am

PS: Server list dont show all the servers...
Today, 16 servers are avaiable and only 15 of them are showed in the list...

just 1 avaible with 8 registered and lqaagy ping - 1400 on my

@Ameer925: No way. There is no relation.
@skiper: omg...

The only thing which matters right now is that the serverlist is loaded at any time!
Edit: Very weird whats going on there...
If you have problems with adding your server to the usgn make sure to use
has to be placed into the temp-dir of cs2d
edited 1×, last 17.12.06 09:37:27 am
Per example: 20 registered and 16 avaiable...
Then need to show 16 servers in the list...