Ameer925 has written
Cheech has written
PhaTz has written
Marcio has written
The TAG of the [ 2dBR ] is wrong...
its [ 2dBR ] not 2DBR
OMG, |KiNg| winning, how!?

we may not ahve beat u but we are more active and play hard play fair and jsut own =]
We are just as active as King

maybe more lol. But yeah King is good. To be honest 2dbr servers are kind of laggy when it comes to more than 3 people. Although Ive seen some lcs2d members who can hold their own with some of kings members. Who are evenly ranked
P.S LCS2D Rocks

It may seem that lcs2d is more active then King, but your not.....
it only looks like it because of the time zone you are in. I am always seeing any |K| member or Ex-member on.....not once i havent see a |K| member on......
Does the .:cs2d:.-clan exist?
@ skiper: do you cheat in cs2d?
I had seen you several times hacking and cheating and walking through walls!
@Ameer925: do you come from PALESTINE??