Cs2D Game Party
Cs2D Game Party
5 repliesmrc User
Hehe...who here have an excellent connection?
We can play with all players in this forum about hours and hours...
Just for fun hehe, who want to play?
PS: We need an excellent hoster... That would be great!
But I've long time not played: Will n00bs be accepted there?
i want to come but im lager
you will see me like going thout the wall and think me for cheater =D and il give on everybody too much lag so i maybe wont come i will think about it
yea me too but PLEASE let it be on a weekend I havnt posted this whole week because of schoolwork. Theres just too much! also because I am getting my new computer soon its on its way right now. then I can trash this stupid Dell im never buying a pc from these bozos again. wow I said "bozos" only friday saturday and sunday im allowed online